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Streaks in my prints  

New Member
Streaks in my prints


I have my Prusa i3 MK2 up,(seemingly) calibrated, and printing stuff - yay.

The only catch is that when I slice something with Cura, there are occasional streaks in the print that seem to correspond with the nozzle dragging on the printed object as it fast moves from one part of the object to the other.

This doesn't happen with the gcode that ships with the default SD Card, so I suspect is has to do with the printer settings in Cura.

The streaks are fairly light and mostly cosmetic, but I'd like to figure out how to remove them. My guess is the likely culprits are either that gcode printer settings in Cura need to be tweaked or my live adjust is set slightly too low.

But it was my understanding that the i3 Prusa MK2 printer settings that ship with Cura (I have version 2.5.0) were already optimized for this printer, so that seems unlikely. But the live adjust setting that I have seems to work without streaks for my non-Cura sliced prints.

Anyone have any thoughts as to what this could be? Thanks in advance for any help!

Veröffentlicht : 02/07/2017 10:10 pm
Noble Member
Re: Streaks in my prints

The live adjust Z only affects the first layer, and adhesion, so unless the print is moving, it is not your problem.

Definitely sounds like a slicer settings issue.

I am not a Cura person (Slic3r), but a picture would really help the Cura people help diagnose your issue, as would listing the settings us used for this slice.

Any advices given are offered in good faith. It is your responsibility to ensure that by following my advice you do not suffer or cause injury, damage or loss. If you solve your problem, please post the solution…

Veröffentlicht : 02/07/2017 10:34 pm
Active Member
Re: Streaks in my prints

The problem you've described is potentially due to a poor value in your Retraction settings. In Slic3r, there is a Lift Z setting, which raises the extruder on the Z axis when moving from one part to another, either between whole prints or parts of a single print. I personally use Slic3r over Cura because I find Slic3r easier to fine tune prints with, but if this value exists in Cura you may want to adjust it.

Here's documentation for the Retraction settings in Slic3r if you decide to retry your print with it over Cura: Retraction in Slic3r

Veröffentlicht : 03/07/2017 4:55 am