Strange problem on layers that corrects itself
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Strange problem on layers that corrects itself  

Ken A
Active Member
Strange problem on layers that corrects itself

I'm pretty new to Prusa printers - and every print I've tried so far does the same thing.

Somewhere along the line, it prints a number of layers that seem to fail, but then it carries on like nothing is wrong.

I have the latest firmware, and a MK2S. Picture if the tree frog that's included on the SD card is attached.

Thanks for your help!

Postato : 15/09/2017 5:24 am
Eminent Member
Re: Strange problem on layers that corrects itself

These are all pure guesses lol. But I would double check the following:

Print temp Both nozzle and Bed (I cant tell but it looks like the back legs are curling up)
Flow rate?
Z Height?

To me...and I'm no expert at all, it seems as though it may be printing a tad hot and semi clogging based on the z height?

I really cant tell, the picture is kind of blurry, but I would look into the Z height for sure and double check your temps / cooling. If its a tad low it will slighty backup and cause a clog that will pass maybe? Just something to look into I think.

Postato : 24/09/2017 1:22 am
Veteran Member Moderator
Re: Strange problem on layers that corrects itself

also check that your filament is coming off the spool without tangling,

sometimes if the filament gets loose on the spool it gets a bit tangled..... and you get under extrusion for a bit, then it either corrects itself and continues, or fails completely...

best wishes, Joan

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Postato : 24/09/2017 1:38 am