(solved) Heater Thermistor broken? (Termal runaway)
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(solved) Heater Thermistor broken? (Termal runaway)  

New Member
(solved) Heater Thermistor broken? (Termal runaway)

Hi guys,

i got this week my MK1 to MK2 upgrade kit. Everything was fine for the first prints. But today the heater can not "hold" the defined temperatur 😥

If i set the heater temperatur to 215 the heater heats up to 215 and than the temperatur drops down to 170 than back to 205 than to 22 (heater fan stops) and than back to 200 and so on.

i checked all the wires, also the wire from the thermistor and they are not damaged.

Edit: Im using the newest firmware (v3.0.6)
Edit2: After using the "All Home" button in pronterface the LCD beeped and the status "termal runaway" was shown ...

Veröffentlicht : 14/08/2016 2:15 pm
Josef Průša
Mitglied Admin
Re: Heater Thermistor broken? (Termal runaway)

Check the thermistor wires.
You can try using the thermistor form the old V6 Lite from MK1, they are the same.

Founder and owner / Majitel a zakladatel
Veröffentlicht : 14/08/2016 2:27 pm
New Member
Themenstarter answered:
Re: Heater Thermistor broken? (Termal runaway)

Hi josef,

thanks for your quick response. Is it possible that i change the complete v6 full to my old v6 lite? or will it not fit inside the new x-carriage? I don't want to fittle the thermistor out of the heater 😀

Veröffentlicht : 14/08/2016 2:44 pm
New Member
Themenstarter answered:
Re: Heater Thermistor broken? (Termal runaway)

oh wait! I was just reading the assembly/disassembly informations on the e3d website and found that the new thermistor is connected via a molux-connector (didn't noticed that) ... and yes the connection was only disconnected 😮 mybe the ziptie was to tight

thanks again! Everything is fine now!

Veröffentlicht : 14/08/2016 3:15 pm