Slic3r Settings defaulting to 3mm
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Slic3r Settings defaulting to 3mm  

New Member
Slic3r Settings defaulting to 3mm

Hi, first of all, I apologize as I'm quite new to 3d printing and probably just missing something. But I just received my MK2S today, I ran through a test print on the SD card, everything went great. So I came over to my computer to slice a model I'd made for my prior printer and I downloaded the Prusa edition of Slic3r to do so (I had been using Cura). Once Slic3r installed, I did the following:

1. "Load Config" and I picked 175mm_Slic3r_prusa3d_1_7_8.ini because it's a printer meant for 1.75mm filament as clearly stated in the manual. Plus that's what I have on hand. Maybe this ini was the wrong choice, but it made the most sense of the four options and I can't find any clear documentation on which one to pick (once again, I'm probably an idiot here).

2. I imported my STL. Then I was clicking around in the settings mainly out of curiousity and I noticed under "filament settings" it had set the filament diameter to 3mm? This is quite confusing to me. Why would a 1.75mm config select 3mm? I assume I should change this to 1.75mm or whatever my digital calipers say. But am I missing something else that I should be changing or is something else in here going to fubar my print? I am not familiar with Slic3r being my first time using it but it seems like this is the recommended slicing program for the Prusa (even if Cura supports it too) so I'm trying to make the switch.

Any help here would be appreciated. Prusa says that this edition and these configs are finely tuned for the MK2S so I'm sure I'm the idiot here, I just don't know what I'm doing wrong. And if I'm not the idiot, how is Prusa missing something simple like a filament diameter that a 3d printing novice such as myself would notice and where can I get well configured settings configurations, assuming that exists somewhere for various filament types?

See attachments.

Opublikowany : 03/06/2017 5:15 am
New Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Slic3r Settings defaulting to 3mm

Found the problem. You have to do "load config bundle" instead of "load config".

Opublikowany : 03/06/2017 10:49 pm
New Member
Re: Slic3r Settings defaulting to 3mm

Thanks for posting and your follow-up I'm in exactly the same spot as you WRT 3D printing. What file specifically is considered the "bundle"? Meaning the actual filename? I'm also printing 1.75mm PLA and troubleshooting some printing problems on some things I've exported from Slic3r myself.

I've attached a photo and as you can see there are lots of issues with it. This was my second attempt at this piece and the earlier one was much better but it slipped on the glass and I couldn't finish the print.

I'm not exactly sure which changes to make in Slic3r to produce more consistent results. In this second print I set the detail to 0.2 from 0.3 thinking I'd get finer detail but this is not at all what I expected.

Opublikowany : 19/06/2017 6:50 am
Eminent Member
Re: Slic3r Settings defaulting to 3mm

I have had plenty of not happy prints using 0.3mm layer height. I would try again with 0.2mm and see. At 0.3, you are using 75% of the 0.4mm nozzle, which is really hard on the printer (think about the fact that you then have to also make the layer about 0.4mm wide).

Good luck.

Opublikowany : 19/06/2017 8:31 pm
New Member
Re: Slic3r Settings defaulting to 3mm

Did a new print using the config files with Slic3r for the MK2 using 0.2 layer height and this piece is about perfect.

Opublikowany : 20/06/2017 5:41 am