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Semi Dead Printer: Help  

Dave Berry
New Member
Semi Dead Printer: Help

Need suggestions on some problems with my MK2.
A couple of weeks ago as I was printing the filement came loose from the bed thus causing the nozzle to overload and filement oozed out around the hot end. The LCD had an error message which indicated that I had a thermister problem. After some research I order new parts. While waiting on the parts I tried to get the temp up on the extruder so I could unload the filement and start the dissassemble of the extruder to replace the thermister. The next thing I knew the LCD went blank and then just showed 2 rows of squares (see photo). After more questions it was suggested that I reload the firmware to get the LCD back in order. I tried and got error messages and no download (see next photo). Any help would be appreciated. I hope it is not a bad control board.

I am now getting this message when trying to install new firmware: ❓

avrdude.exe: ser_open(): can't open device "\\.\COM4": The system cannot find the file specified. avrdude.exe: ser_drain(): read error: The handle is invalid. avrdude.exe: ser_send(): write error: sorry no info avail avrdude.exe: stk500_send(): failed to send command to serial port avrdude.exe: ser_recv(): read error: The handle is invalid. avrdude.exe: stk500v2_ReceiveMessage(): timeout avrdude.exe: ser_send(): write error: sorry no info avail avrdude.exe: stk500_send(): failed to send command to serial port avrdude.exe: ser_recv(): read error: The handle is invalid. avrdude.exe: stk500v2_ReceiveMessage(): timeout avrdude.exe: ser_send(): write error: sorry no info avail avrdude.exe: stk500_send(): failed to send command to serial port avrdude.exe: ser_recv(): read error: The handle is invalid. avrdude.exe: stk500v2_ReceiveMessage(): timeout avrdude.exe: ser_send(): write error: sorry no info avail avrdude.exe: stk500_send(): failed to send command to serial port avrdude.exe: ser_recv(): read error: The handle is invalid. avrdude.exe: stk500v2_ReceiveMessage(): timeout avrdude.exe: ser_send(): write error: sorry no info avail avrdude.exe: stk500_send(): failed to send command to serial port avrdude.exe: ser_recv(): read error: The handle is invalid. avrdude.exe: stk500v2_ReceiveMessage(): timeout avrdude.exe: ser_send(): write error: sorry no info avail avrdude.exe: stk500_send(): failed to send command to serial port avrdude.exe: ser_recv(): read error: The handle is invalid. avrdude.exe: stk500v2_ReceiveMessage(): timeout avrdude.exe: stk500v2_getsync(): timeout communicating with programmer avrdude.exe done. Thank you.

Veröffentlicht : 29/12/2017 5:36 pm