Self-test error! Loose pulley motor Y
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[Closed] Self-test error! Loose pulley motor Y  

New Member
Self-test error! Loose pulley motor Y

Hello, I built up my printer strictly according to the manual. I have checked everything and went through again the manuals. But I can not find the mistake. Pulley is tight, belt is well tensioned. The belt runs parallel (top to bottom). Endstop works! During the self-test the printbed moves to the endstop, you can hear the endstop click. After that, the printing bed moves back about 1 cm and brings the error! The Endstop Y must work as it strikes and returns during bed calibration.

WhenI printing from the SD card in the V2Calibration the Druker drives the first 3 points without any problems, at point number 4 it sounds when the Y motor axis as if the pully over-rotate. Then he brings the error -> Z-Kal. failed, sensor not triggered. Dirty nozzle? -> No, it is completely clean and free.

What I still noticed in the axis movement -> Move Y-axis -> the endstop y triggers at -2.0 instead 0. Is this normal? All Dimensions are correct.

Bed, X-Y Calibration works and is done. Also I can print anything.

What can I do?

Cheers Torsten

Napsal : 08/01/2018 1:55 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Self-test error! Loose pulley motor Y

Could also be somewhat to much friction at one axis.
Do all those calibrations in high power mode!

Maybe you would need to do minor adjustments at the big frame nuts moving the bed
back and forth by hand to check whether it runs smooth.
May not work for the 1st time, this needs some experience...

Napsal : 08/01/2018 6:01 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Self-test error! Loose pulley motor Y

Thanks, I will try it.

Napsal : 08/01/2018 8:55 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Self-test error! Loose pulley motor Y

It works! Thanks!

Napsal : 08/01/2018 10:48 pm
New Member
RE: Self-test error! Loose pulley motor Y

I found that if you sit in a chair ...  hold the printer from the back  with the menu unit between your legs facing down and let the printer lean against a table in front of this position you are able to view the underside of the printer and inspect the Frame bars ( to see if there is any bending in them)... my issue was this message.. and the heatbed making crunching noises ... and banging against the end block ..... the headbed was not running smooth and would be hard to push back and forth .. . i saw a slight bend and adjusted the bars to make them straight ( fixed first time) ..... and from this position you have both hands free  ..and  you can test to see if the heat bed is smooth as you can pull it up and it will fall under its own weight .... if it sticks ..readjust screws until it falls smoothly... it will not freefall .. but fall smoothly  

Napsal : 20/10/2019 4:03 pm