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Round part not printing round  

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Round part not printing round


A complete newbie here who decided that learning with PETG before PLA was necessary for structural prototypes...a big challenge! After hours and hours I got the bed level and 75mm square to print flat as paper, I hung it on the wall with a smiley face drawn on it. My parts needed are complex and I am facing challenges including this seen in attached photo. " The round extension is not printing round "even though it is generating supports?? Any ideas how to fix this? How do I get this to print properly? Also, is there a way to specify supports and eliminate others in slic3r, I was looking at Cura or others but am subject to so much learning and mistakes I feel I need to keep things as simple as possible.


For others learning out there beware...the settings for a perfect Z setting and level bed in PETG...those are not the settings you actually want to print parts with. Matterhackers PETG did well at 240/80 50% reduction in speed on the first layer. I set extrusion retraction at 3.6mm and raised Z .2 above the setting that got me a perfect test print for bed level. I did not actually understand a bottom layer could actually be flat without any ridges at all.

Postato : 28/11/2017 11:05 pm
Vojtěch Bubník
Utenti Admin
Re: Round part not printing round

The bottom side of an object printed over same-material supports will never be defined perfectly, as the bottom side of the object is extruded into the thin air to not fuse against the supports. If you want a perfectly defined bottom surface, you need go with the soluble supports.

Postato : 29/11/2017 8:19 pm