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Replacement Hobbed Pulley?  

Estimable Member
Replacement Hobbed Pulley?

Need some help find a replacment pulley for my Orginal Prusa (a.k.a Mk1) pretty sure its the samed hobbed pulley as the Mk2 (got a couple of those as well)

I know Prusa sells them but being in the states, paying 30$ shipping for a 5$ item is kinda painful. Does anyone know of a matching hobbed pulley avalible though Amazon or another US distrbuter? WOuld hate to buy the wrong one.

Thanks for any help!

Postato : 19/11/2017 10:44 am
Utenti Moderator
Re: Replacement Hobbed Pulley?

as far as I know, prusa has the possibility to ship such small and light items (pei sheet for example) with significant reduced shipping costs.
ask them through the chat.

dem inscheniör is' nix zu schwör...

Postato : 19/11/2017 11:00 am
New Member
Re: Replacement Hobbed Pulley?

Would love some help with this as well, unfortunately chat said there was nothing they could do right now. PEI sheets are sent out as documents so they are much cheaper. Has anyone found these in the states? Shipping for me was $55 for a $5 pulley.

Postato : 07/12/2017 2:14 am