Replace PEI July 2017
Replacing PEI on Prusa i3 MK2
In many cases you may not have to detach the heatbed from your printer. Some suggestions:
1. Install firmware 3.0.12 or higher.
2. With the bed cold lift off a corner of the PEI. Use your nails or a tool that will not damage (scratch) your bed.
3. Heat the bed to around 60 degrees C. Put on a pair of gloves to protect your hands from the heated bed.
4. Grab the detached corner of the PEI and slowly pull the PEI off the bed. This took me about 3 minutes. There was very little glue left on the heatbed!
5. Let the bed cool and use Goo Gone to get the remaining glue off the heatbed. Wash the bed with soap and water. Clean the bed a few times with isopropyl alcohol.
6. Buy your replacement PEI from Prusa. Its the exact size you need for the heatbed.
7. Follow steps 13-15 at …
to attach the new PEI.
8. Follow the calibration flow for the KIT on page 12 of the latest version of Prusa's 3D Printing Handbook.
9. When running V2Calibration.gcode, use Live adjust Z to get a properly tuned first layer.
The latest version of the 3D Printing Handbook is your best friend.
Re: Replace PEI July 2017
I'll be very curious if this is working for folks. I read one article about changing the pei that had me convinced that I'd rather just but a new MK42 bed 😀 .
Thanks for the post, hopefully I'm months from needing a change, but I'll give this a try when I do.
Robert B.