Repeated imperfections in prints - Even in preloaded prints with stock PLA
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Repeated imperfections in prints - Even in preloaded prints with stock PLA  

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Repeated imperfections in prints - Even in preloaded prints with stock PLA

Hello everyone!

I recently assembled my Prusa i3 MK2S and I've started printing. But I have found a lot of imperfections in my prints. For example, see the attached pictures of Marvins that I've printed from the preloaded prints and with the stock PLA which comes with the printer. As you can see, there are imperfections on all sides. These imperfectation are also repeated in prints, so they show up more or less exactly the same on all three prints. It is easiest to see in the picture with the Marvins facing the camera.

Have anyone suffered from the same kind of imperfections?
Do anyone have a idea on why these show up?
Do anyone know what I should do to improve the print quality? PID tuning?

Postato : 09/05/2017 7:05 pm
Utenti Moderator
Re: Repeated imperfections in prints - Even in preloaded prints with stock PLA

these imperfections are caused by the beginning of the perimeters. depending on the slicer you use, you can change the strategy for these start points.

at s3d you can choose between:
- random start points
- optimized for fastest print
- closest to a specific location

while, if you choose the 3rd point, you can set the x/y coordinates as required.
this allows you to "tune" these little imperfections to a location where they care less or even don't care at all.

at my print of the pangolin i've set the specific location at the middle of the object, which lead to nearly no visible start point at the outer perimeters, which i had at my first print of this part.

furthermore you can optimize the visibility of the start points with reducing the overlap and using z-hop (or "retraction vertical lift" in combination with "force retraction between layers")..

dem inscheniör is' nix zu schwör...

Postato : 09/05/2017 7:27 pm