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Estimable Member

It has happened several times in the past week and never had this problem before. No thermal runaway, no error message. The printer just stops and the heaters are all at room temperature. The print is usually about 5% (can be 80%) completed looks very good. Happens with PLA and PETG.

What I do to start the printer is turn off the power. Rerun the same G code from the same SD card and it will print. This always works.

Since there is no error message I do not know the problem. It can not be the SD card since the same card works next time and this has happened with different cards. Also can not be the G code since this has happened with different prints and also I can restart the same G code and it will run fine the second time.

There has been no power outage or spikes. The filament looks good and will continue to print on the next try.

I at a loss for ideas! 😕

Opublikowany : 17/03/2018 6:13 pm
Veteran Member Moderator

can you try a different SD card?
I had similar unexplained stops but the heaters didn't go cold...

however I believe Prusa have modified the firmware to stop the extruder heater when the machine stops printing...

good luck, Joan

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Opublikowany : 17/03/2018 6:37 pm
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:

thanks for the reply, but this happens with different SD cards, also I can restart the printer with the same SD card and it will work the 2nd time around.

Opublikowany : 18/03/2018 10:03 pm
Eminent Member

Since firmeware 3.2.x (approx.) I have some times a pause during the print. It could be 2 sec or more and then continue print. It isn't every time at the place.
It make a blob inside the print and could cause problems (nozzle crash) for the remaining print but not every times.
Today I have tried to adjust the k-factor for TPU and change it at 320 (very high). Print result for the beginning was good but again I had a stop, but this time for several seconds where I was forced to cancel the print.
Temperature doesn't be stopped, so I don't think that the printer guess that the print was finished.

Does the linear advance could influence the stepper motor or the motor control? Like "overheating" the regulation...

STL file is not corrupted (artefact for example) and all other parameters don't change particulary as the past.
Stops where more frequent close to vertical radius. Squared shapes often not.

For talking if you had same issues.
Have a good day, Ludovic

Opublikowany : 22/09/2018 2:16 pm
Member Moderator

Since firmeware 3.2.x (approx.) I have some times a pause during the print. It could be 2 sec or more and then continue print. It isn't every time at the place.

Do you have an MK2 or MK3? The last firmware for the MK2 is 3.1.0.

Opublikowany : 24/09/2018 4:53 pm
Eminent Member

Since firmeware 3.2.x (approx.) I have some times a pause during the print. It could be 2 sec or more and then continue print. It isn't every time at the place.

Do you have an MK2 or MK3? The last firmware for the MK2 is 3.1.0.

I have the MK3, sorry I've missed to precise it... 😎

Opublikowany : 24/09/2018 5:34 pm
Active Member

We're experiencing the same problems with our MK2.  It has been printing fine for years.  Now there are problems (and as you mentioned, the firmware hasn't been updated since 2017 so the only change is the slicer/gcode).  First issue is that we see thermal runaways (on big flat prints) which I am guessing is related to the new Slic3r generating different g-code for fan speeds.  We've had to manually cap the fan speed to prevent these.  (thermistor and heater checked and verified - tight and operating as expected.  Fan speed is definitely the culprit).

So far in the last two days, we've had three prints just stop suddenly in the middle of the print.  No errors, nothing.  Printer sits at menu waiting for a button press as if it was just turned on.  Hot end stays put - it literally just stops mid g-code.  Have waiting for over an hour once to see if it would resume.  Nope.  Latest one was 6 hours into a PETG print and I happened to be sitting at the printer and - it just stopped cold!  If memory serves, the hot end and bed temp readouts immediately went to either 0 or room temp - they didn't show anything reasonable considering it was just printing seconds ago...  very odd.

Could the latest Slic3r be putting in g-code that is no good on the MK2?  We have to slice with the MK2S settings since the MK2 is no longer a printer option in Slic3r.  The S has a newer hot end (and maybe fan speeds were adjusted accordingly, causing problems on the Mk2) but I'm having a hard time imagining g-code that could cause it to just stop cold.  Also, this is the first I've heard that reprinting the same g-code worked.  I re-sliced. It just seems like a hardware thing... but, again, what?  I'm printing in a comfortable room at room temp. No electrical spikes/surges, etc.  Nothing different from the last couple years of successful printing.

This is frustrating to be sure.  I'm willing to debug if anyone has ideas... I found a post where someone claims they have g-code the repros this (om the MK3).  I might try that to see....

BTW, we have a MK3 as well which we just upgraded to the MK3s MMU2S and it has been printing fine for the past several days (after some tweaking to the IR sensor as others have mentioned - but it seems reliable now and color changes are working well)



Opublikowany : 30/04/2019 3:54 am