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Prusa I3 Original (Not MK2)  

New Member
Prusa I3 Original (Not MK2)

If this is the wrong area please let me know, first off.

So I have the older Prusa I3 with 200mmx200mmx200mm. When I try to print from any gcode, the extruder motor will not move at all. X,Y,and Z all move with no problems. I was chatting with 3 different people from Prusa over 3 days, and after sending some photos of my board and the extruder. I was finally told to come to the forms because they are too busy in the chats. OK what to go on customer service so far. 🙄

I did try to use the extruder settings on the Prusa I3 to make sure that it has nothing to do with cura 2.1.2. It seems that no matter what I try to do to have the filament come out. You can click on the link to see the photos and the video of the printer.

If anyone can help please do so. I only had the printer for about 8 months, not happy at all. 😡

Veröffentlicht : 13/06/2016 7:22 pm
Mitglied Moderator
Re: Prusa I3 Original (Not MK2)

Hi Francesco,

Logically it should be one section below, but well ... 😉

I presume that due to a very strong start with the mk2, they are pretty busy, which is good, and bad.

However the first things I would try is to check the motor itself: Can you connect the Pursa USB on your PC, launch Pronterface, connect it, and try to click on the extrude button (down on the left) to see if the extruder move ? If not the first thing I would check is to dissassemble the cable management from the rambobox to the extruder and inspect the cables.

If you unload the filament, can the extruder move ? If that's the case the spring are probably too tigthened.

Another test would be to, with filament unloaded ?
Swap the X-motor and the extruder motor plugs on the Rambo box
Generate X axis mouvement from pronterface. If the motor move, it's not a motor issues.

Please post the result of these test, we'll try to figure out.

I'm like Jon Snow, I know nothing.

Veröffentlicht : 13/06/2016 9:23 pm
Antient Member Moderator
Re: Prusa I3 Original (Not MK2)

OK, firstly, the extruder must be more than 185 degrees before it can extrude. Preheat for PLA, and ensure that temp is reached on the LCD

Then undo the filament tension screws and manually feed some filament; push quite hard and ensure it comes out the nozzle.

Check the filament drive pulley; ensure it is tightened on the flat of the motor spindle.

On the LCD go to settings, move axis and extruder and watch the motor as you change the settings.

Check the connector at the RAMBo end; ensure that all wires are making good contact with the board connector; if you have a multimeter, turn off the printer and check the resistance between cable pairs (1 & 2, 3 & 4)

Do the above and post results.


Please note: I do not have any affiliation with Prusa Research. Any advices given are offered in good faith. It is your responsibility to ensure that by following my advice you do not suffer or cause injury, damage…

Veröffentlicht : 13/06/2016 9:55 pm
Mitglied Moderator
Re: Prusa I3 Original (Not MK2)


Just by looking at the video you posted it seems the extruder motor is not moving at all.

Check all cabling to make sure the extruder motor wire hasn't worked its way loose and make sure it is on the correct way at the Rambo. Also, check to see if it has been cut or frayed anywhere.

If that checks out okay you will need to make sure there is no filament loaded. Heat up the extruder, undo the idler screws and pull the filament out. You can then remove the extruder motor plug from the rambo and plug it into the X or Y motor connector. Go to the menu on the LCD to move that axis to test whether the motor is good or not. If it moves then you probably have an issue with the Rambo itself. If not it is the motor.

Veröffentlicht : 13/06/2016 10:05 pm
New Member
Themenstarter answered:
Re: Prusa I3 Original (Not MK2)

So I did the following: On the LCD in the settings I loaded and unloaded the filament, move the extruder motor, and I also hooked it up to my PC and tested it with Pronterface all no dice.

I did not check the res. of the wires for only reason, I believe I found the problem. Well at least the printer started to work again. I downgraded the firmware and upgraded the firmware again, that seemed to have fixed the problem. 😕 I have no idea why that would have broke the extruder, but what the hell it works.

As for the PLA filament the type I have is from 175 to 195 C, I just need the printer to hold off till I can save up for the MK2.

Thank you to everyone. 😛

Veröffentlicht : 14/06/2016 1:48 am