Prusa i3 MK2S Y axis beltholder fix ( walktrough)
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Prusa i3 MK2S Y axis beltholder fix ( walktrough)  

New Member
Prusa i3 MK2S Y axis beltholder fix ( walktrough)

Hi Prusa folks!

tl;dr version : manual shows Y-endstop rotated for MK2 not MK2S version of part.

I got the new MK2S printer on Thursday 6th of April, so it is fresh as sea food.

After the assembly of the printer I encountered issue with Y axis belt holder part. It looks like there is design flaw in MK2S, because Y-beltholder cannot reach the Y-endstop. Compering the MK2 design with the MK2S you can clearly see that there is not enough material in the new version to engage the endstop switch. So as you may guess, you cannot calibrate printer because there is nothing to stop the movement on Y axis.
That is why for all you, who got the same issue (probably all of new MK2S kit owners) I prepared the fix part.

Lets look at photos and you will see my point.

On maximum reach on Y axis it cannot trigger the endstop.

Assembled part on printer.

I decided to compare the MK2 part with MK2s part. You can clearly see that there are 2 modifications in new version of printer.
1. The belt assembling is changed.
2. The end of part is shorter and not filled with material.

The view from top on the parts.

The view from isometric perspective, to show how the face of Y-beltholder looks like.

So probably you think - yeah sure - the guy needs to rotate part 180 degrees.

It is not the case (in addition the belt assembling would have not work)

That is why there need to be fix to the part!

Solution : There is mistake in the manual , there is part that needs to be rotated, but it is not the Y-beltholder, it's the Y-endstop!

This solution from manual is not working

But this one is !

If somebody wants the Y-beltholder designed in such way that will work with not rotated endstop feel free to contact me 😉

Postato : 10/04/2017 9:26 pm
New Member
Re: Prusa i3 MK2S Y axis beltholder fix ( walktrough)

Did you try to rotate the belt holder? I got my KIT (MK2S) 10 days ago, assembled it according to the manual and Y-axis endstop works fine (it clicks).

Postato : 10/04/2017 11:16 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Prusa i3 MK2S Y axis beltholder fix ( walktrough)

The solution is to rotate the endstop, but yes I tried with the beltholder - it hits the motor wheel. So there is really only one working solution to this.

Postato : 10/04/2017 11:55 pm
Trusted Member
Re: Prusa i3 MK2S Y axis beltholder fix ( walktrough)

I also had this, turned out my belt holder was the other way round. In your pictures its face the same way as your motor, but thats wrong.

See step 38 of the manual for some clear pictures

Postato : 09/07/2017 9:50 pm
Jonathan SCE
Eminent Member
Re: Prusa i3 MK2S Y axis beltholder fix ( walktrough)

Your motor mount was placed too far from the center. The motor and pulley should not have that much space between them.
Assemble the Y-motor pulley

You were then to move the entire mount to align the pulley to the belt.
Adjust the Y-motor-mount part

Postato : 10/07/2017 5:08 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Prusa i3 MK2S Y axis beltholder fix ( walktrough)

As mentioned above, there’s nothing wrong with the design, you’ve just put the belt holder on backwards.

Postato : 10/07/2017 8:51 pm