Prusa i3 mk2 "Y axis" died overnight ?
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Prusa i3 mk2 "Y axis" died overnight ?  

Active Member
Prusa i3 mk2 "Y axis" died overnight ?

I am from Germany and my English is not so good.
This is now a mixture of "Google Translate" and my English.
I hope it is understandable.

My Prusa i3 mk2 has worked perfectly.
I also had the "XYZ calibration ok. X / Y axes are perpendicular. Congratulation!" Message.

On 21.12.2016 I wanted to print the following object:
Sliced with the new Prusa Slic3r MK2.
It should be a Christmas present.

The first 5 hours everything worked great.
When I went to the printer next morning I had to see the following.

The print head did not move.
The display showed the power-on message.
Go to Settings to move the print head up.
The y axis I could not move through the settings menu

After a cup of coffee I freed the printer from the scrub.
I heated the heating bed again to solve the object.
It stuck very tightly.

I then removed the Y axis engine and could not move it with the hand.
After a few days have passed I could move the engine again with the hand.
Yesterday I reinstalled the stepper motor.

I have run the XYZ calibration,
But this stopped at point 4 the first time.
At the next attempt, she stopped at point 6.
Always with the message "point unreachable"

The "y axis" now moves very jerkily.

In the "online chat" there is unfortunately no person who speaks German,
So I sent an email to "[email protected]" on 22.12.2016.

Since holidays are I have received no answer.
That is why I am writing here my problem.
Maybe someone has a solution for me.

Postato : 29/12/2016 12:11 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Prusa i3 mk2 "Y axis" died overnight ?

Do you have classic ball bearing in Y axis? I had same issues with IGUS in Y axis during printing large objects with silent mode during fast movement on axis. Or switch to High power mode. Also check belt pulley if is tighten firmly.

Postato : 29/12/2016 2:00 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Prusa i3 mk2 "Y axis" died overnight ?

i have the IGUS and always High Power Mode,
the belt pulley is tight.
In the "Problem Morning" i cant move the y Axis because the Y Motor (pulley) blocked.

Postato : 29/12/2016 2:53 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Prusa i3 mk2 "Y axis" died overnight ?

Hallo Thomas,

wenn ich das richtig verstehe, hast Du momentan eine ruckartig laufende Y-Achse. Betrifft das den Y-Schlitten selbst (also ohne Antriebsriemen) oder läufte es nur ruckelig wenn der Stepper es antreibt?

Du schreibst "I then removed the Y axis engine and could not move it with the hand.
After a few days have passed I could move the engine again with the hand."

Meinst Du hier mit engine den Steppermotor?

Postato : 29/12/2016 7:12 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Prusa i3 mk2 "Y axis" died overnight ?

Hallo totoG,

Hallo Thomas,

wenn ich das richtig verstehe, hast Du momentan eine ruckartig laufende Y-Achse. Betrifft das den Y-Schlitten selbst (also ohne Antriebsriemen) oder läufte es nur ruckelig wenn der Stepper es antreibt?
Meinst Du hier mit engine den Steppermotor?
Es läuft nur ruckelig wenn der Steppermotor das Bett bewegt.
Ohne Motor und Riemen läuft das Bett Butterweich ohne ruckeln.
Hallo Thomas,

Du schreibst "I then removed the Y axis engine and could not move it with the hand.
After a few days have passed I could move the engine again with the hand."

Meinst Du hier mit engine den Steppermotor?

Als ich den Steppermotor ausgebaut habe damit ich den Drucker reinigen kann konnte ich den Motor nicht einmal mit der Hand drehen.
Ich habe dann den Motor zur Seite gelegt (weil ich genervt war).
Nach 3 Tagen habe ich ihn nochmal in die Hand genommen und konnte ihn leicht drehen bis auf eine kurze Stelle an der es schwieriger war.

Postato : 29/12/2016 7:53 pm
Active Member
Re: Prusa i3 mk2 "Y axis" died overnight ?

hi all,
I am from France and my English is not so good.

I hope it is understandable.
I bought my prusa in December on 24 and after to assemble all elements , i printed object.
But The Y-axis has play. There is a little play on the bearings.
I find the bearings a little light. Perhaps a problem in time and blocking the tray.
Can we find milled bearings for the prusa ?

best regards

Postato : 29/12/2016 8:01 pm
Antient Member Moderator
Re: Prusa i3 mk2 "Y axis" died overnight ?


Best to start a new thread for this one. Christophe (a moderator on here) is also French. I will drop him a line to see if he can help.


Please note: I do not have any affiliation with Prusa Research. Any advices given are offered in good faith. It is your responsibility to ensure that by following my advice you do not suffer or cause injury, damage…

Postato : 29/12/2016 10:02 pm
Utenti Moderator
Re: Prusa i3 mk2 "Y axis" died overnight ?

hi all,
I am from France and my English is not so good.

I hope it is understandable.
I bought my prusa in December on 24 and after to assemble all elements , i printed object.
But The Y-axis has play. There is a little play on the bearings.
I find the bearings a little light. Perhaps a problem in time and blocking the tray.
Can we find milled bearings for the prusa ?

best regards

Hi Pascal,

Please start a new thread to describe your problem so that we can give the right answer.

Et n'hésite pas à faire une version française, je ne suis pas super actif (En travaux à la maison !!) mais je ferais tout mon possible.

I'm like Jon Snow, I know nothing.

Postato : 29/12/2016 10:17 pm
Utenti Moderator
Re: Prusa i3 mk2 "Y axis" died overnight ?

Thomas, the first thing I would do is to check if it's really a stepper issue or a mechanical issue.

Remove two of the screw of the stepper and loosen the last one. That way, you can rotate the stepper around the remaining screw and remove the belt. Then check if you can turbn manually the stepper, and check if the carriage can move freely. Please report any result here, we'll try to figure out.

I'm like Jon Snow, I know nothing.

Postato : 29/12/2016 11:01 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Prusa i3 mk2 "Y axis" died overnight ?

Hallo Thomas,
dann sieht das aber nach einem Problem des Steppermotors aus. Das von Dir erwähnte völlige blockieren ist jedenfalls sehr seltsam.
Hast Du ihn ohne GT2-16 pulley gedreht oder war das noch auf der Achse? Ist das pulley ggf. zu dicht am Motor montiert (könnte schleifen wenn es bei längerer Laufzeit wärmer wird?)
Wenn Du den Steppermotor ohne montierten Riemen über die Firmware antreibst, läuft er dann rund/ruhig?

Im Zweifel würde ich den Stepper austauschen.

Postato : 30/12/2016 7:03 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Prusa i3 mk2 "Y axis" died overnight ?

Thomas, the first thing I would do is to check if it's really a stepper issue or a mechanical issue.

Remove two of the screw of the stepper and loosen the last one. That way, you can rotate the stepper around the remaining screw and remove the belt. Then check if you can turbn manually the stepper, and check if the carriage can move freely. Please report any result here, we'll try to figure out.
I completely removed the stepper.
without the belt I can easily rotate the stepper about 75% and then it will be hard to turn him.
Then he turns 75% easy again.
Hallo Thomas,
dann sieht das aber nach einem Problem des Steppermotors aus. Das von Dir erwähnte völlige blockieren ist jedenfalls sehr seltsam.
Hast Du ihn ohne GT2-16 pulley gedreht oder war das noch auf der Achse? Ist das pulley ggf. zu dicht am Motor montiert (könnte schleifen wenn es bei längerer Laufzeit wärmer wird?)
Wenn Du den Steppermotor ohne montierten Riemen über die Firmware antreibst, läuft er dann rund/ruhig?

Im Zweifel würde ich den Stepper austauschen.
I've turned the stepper with the GT2-16 pulley.
The Pulley has about 2mm distance to the engine.
If I drive the stepper without belt over the firmware drives it jerky.

Postato : 30/12/2016 10:19 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Prusa i3 mk2 "Y axis" died overnight ?

Here are a few pictures of the print.
Maybe you can find the error easier.

First Event: the layers are shifted by 2.6 mm backwards
Second Event: The layers are moved forward by 32 mm
Third Event: The layer is moved forward by 2 mm
Fourth Event: Many layers are only printed in the front
Fifth Event: The bed drives forward and the whole filament is pressed into the empty and stacks itself up to the nozzle.

Postato : 30/12/2016 11:05 pm
Trusted Member
Re: Prusa i3 mk2 "Y axis" died overnight ?

Check the connector on the cable, it is usually very badly crimped. Press with a very small screwdriver on the metal points you see on its side.

Postato : 01/01/2017 2:57 pm
Utenti Moderator
Re: Prusa i3 mk2 "Y axis" died overnight ?

@patrizio.b: as thomas.f3 wrote, he can only turn the axis of the idle motor at about 75%, the remaining 25% are rough-running, this clearly indicates that the stepper has had it. 🙁 🙁
so messing around with the connector won't help.

following your informations here, your y-stepper has met it's maker. very likely that he overheated while beeing blocked by the remainders of the failed print.
ask the prusa sales team thru the chat for a replacement motor. or try out an NEMA 17HM15-0904S (12V version), which might do the job as well (but no guarantee); take care that you get one with one side flat 5mm shaft.

So wie sich das hier liest, ist Dein Y-Stepper leider hinüber. Hat sich wohl überhitzt, während er durch die Reste vom schief gelaufenen Druck blockiert war.
Frag' hier über den Chat vom Verkaufsteam nach einem Ersatzmotor. Oder probier einen NEMA 17HM15-0904S (12 V Version), der könnte ebenfalls laufen (kann dafür aber keine Garantie geben); pass aber auf, dass Du einen mit abgeflachter 5mm Achse bekommst.


dem inscheniör is' nix zu schwör...

Postato : 01/01/2017 6:42 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Prusa i3 mk2 "Y axis" died overnight ?

I forgot to report again. 😳
Prusa has sent me a new stepper, 🙂
I installed it and the printer is running again. 😀
Thanks to all who helped me here.


Postato : 05/02/2017 1:16 pm
Active Member
Re: Prusa i3 mk2 "Y axis" died overnight ?

@Thomas How did you manage that? I have had 3 long conversations on chat that went nowhere. (they kept insisting I send a picture of the board showing the connector seated properly when the symptoms are clearly noticeable with the power off and the motor unplugged when it is locked up). I sent two support requests via the site and haven't even received a confirmation notice or canned response. I am finding Prusa support to be about as helpful as my bad Y motor.....

Postato : 15/02/2017 11:55 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Prusa i3 mk2 "Y axis" died overnight ?

They kept insisting I send a picture of the board showing the connector seated properly

Did you send them the picture?

(I'm not convinced that how the stepper is connected doesn't matter, even with the printer turned off, but even assuming you are correct, the support person is probably following a script. They can't help you if you don't follow along.)

- Gab

Postato : 16/02/2017 1:07 am
Active Member
Re: Prusa i3 mk2 "Y axis" died overnight ?

Here is my failing motor. Notice both are failing in exactly the same spot right around the 120mm mark on the left side of the build plate..

Postato : 16/02/2017 3:58 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Prusa i3 mk2 "Y axis" died overnight ?

I first tried to solve the problem by chat,
Since my English is too bad, I have the problem (with pictures) then sent by mail.
I was also advised to create a post in the forum.
There were still 2-3 mails.
It took a little time because it was "Christmas and New Year"
The rest you can read here.

Postato : 16/02/2017 2:24 pm
Active Member
Re: Prusa i3 mk2 "Y axis" died overnight ?

They kept insisting I send a picture of the board showing the connector seated properly

Did you send them the picture?

(I'm not convinced that how the stepper is connected doesn't matter, even with the printer turned off, but even assuming you are correct, the support person is probably following a script. They can't help you if you don't follow along.)

Actually, I managed to send video, but even so, a stepper motor with no power applied should not require pliers to move and when it does it shouldn't have a varying pitch on certain steps or skip steps. The connectors are fairly Idiot proof w/ the exception of the PSU and bed heater. If it was wired incorrectly, my prints wouldn't have gotten as far as they did, and if the microcontroller board was bad It wouldn't be noticeable with the mass of wires connected unless it caught fire. I understand a company wanting to be cautious with a self assembled product, but at some point the troubleshooting reported and basic logic can only take you to one conclusion.

Side note: If anyone saw Tom's build and review there seems to be a Y motor stabilizer on the pre-assembled units that isn't included or referenced in the kits. It's possible that this issue is coming from tension pulling the motor out of square when under strain from a combination of high torque and heavy/high density prints.

Postato : 16/02/2017 4:13 pm