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Problem whit warping and Live-Z  

New Member
Problem whit warping and Live-Z

Hi Guys ,
I need some help on a weird problem with my MK2.
When i print parts more then 4mm thick the parts unstick from the edge or corner, i am sure it is a problem with the Z-height but i did some testing and i can't figure out the optimal layer height.

This is the test from the 75X75@200 and only 1/4 of the square is ok but the rest is bad even if i change the Z-height it is not ok ,it is weird that it is good only where it start printing and this part is sticking pretty well .

Here is an other part but this is warping a lot only from the edge or corner the center was sticking pretty good but the rest has lifted about 1mm.

A weird fact is that some part sticks very well and other dont .
Setting = temperature in Celsius

Head 210c
Bed 50c

Samuel Poissant

Publié : 19/03/2017 9:51 pm
Membre Moderator
Re: Problem whit warping and Live-Z

❓ how do you clean your printbed ? do you use both, acetone & ipa or only ipa ?
you need to get every remainder of oil, fat, grease, fingerprints etc. off from the pei sheet... therefore you need acetone (ipa won't do the job alone).

➡ then: did you measure the thickness of the testsheets area that holds together ? is it down to 0.20 mm, or still 0.23 - 0.28 mm ?

😕 if it's down to 0.20 mm at the "good edge" and won't stick at the other side, then there's something fishy with the flatness of your printbed (which couldn't be corrected with meshbed leveling).
if it's still above 0.21mm -> lower the live z adjustment even more. depending on the sensitivity of the pinda probe and the heigth distance between nozzle and pinda-tip, one can easily require values < -1.

dem inscheniör is' nix zu schwör...

Publié : 19/03/2017 10:34 pm
New Member
Re: Problem whit warping and Live-Z

I have just solved a problem like yours decreasing the value in live z adjust. I set it to -0,500. Now I'm able to print also large surface ike the prusa logo without any issues

Publié : 20/03/2017 9:29 am
Eminent Member
Re: Problem whit warping and Live-Z

Your z looks a little loose. And if that is pla try 60c for the build plate.

Publié : 20/03/2017 11:59 am
Reputable Member
Re: Problem whit warping and Live-Z

I found with a not sticking issue that I had to increase the bed temps due to the ambient room temp being lower due to season change.

Publié : 21/03/2017 8:35 pm
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