Problem after upgrading to 3.0.12 and doing a full reset
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Problem after upgrading to 3.0.12 and doing a full reset  

Eminent Member
Problem after upgrading to 3.0.12 and doing a full reset

I've been struggling lately with some weird problems with the printer badly underextruding (without any changes being made to the config). As part of trying to get to a known starting spot and recalibrating everything just in an attempt to get the printer working again, I decided to upgrade to 3.0.12 and do a full factory wipe (all data).

Since I did that, pretty much nothing is working. XYZ calibration kept getting stuck with the Z-axis all the way up. After the point it asks you to raise the Z axis all the way, it'd normally lower back down to the bed and start looking for the calibration point. It would actually try to move it up a little bit and then start searching in the air.

After I did an auto-home, it started properly moving back down again.

The problem I now have, though, is that it isn't lowering enough when looking for the calibration points. Auto-home does the right thing -- zeroes X and Y and then moves down until the PINDA detects the bed (LED turns off). It settles about .3mm from the bed, which isn't too bad.

The XYZ calibration, on the other hand, goes to the center of the print bed, moves down so its about 4-5mm above the bed and starts looking... and never lowers down. Its not doing that based on the PINDA, which hasn't shut off. It just wiggles around in the air and then errors out. Its almost like it doesn't have the Z height correct -- I move the carriage up, it moves down to where it think the bed should be, but is off by 4-5mm.

If I run mesh leveling, the system (like auto-home) finds the #9 and #8 sensor location just fine. It moves to the spot, lowers, does it bounce, raises back up. When it goes for #7, though, it doesn't lower down to the bed, it lifts higher, wiggles up and down and then says "Sensor Disconnected or Cable Broken". Obviously the sensor and cable is fine, as it reads the other spots okay and there was no hardware change.

Has anyone seen this problem before? Its almost like the factory default settings are bad. A slightly off settings for the Z stepper would make a blind move down the way the XYZ calibration seems to be doing miss, the way it is. That doesn't explain the PINDA sensor issue, though.

Between a failed heat bed and this crap, I really want to just chuck this damn thing out the window. I can't do anything about the bed, but I hope I can at least get this fixed...

Veröffentlicht : 18/07/2017 9:13 pm
Eminent Member
Themenstarter answered:
Re: Problem after upgrading to 3.0.12 and doing a full reset

I should add, downgrading back to 11 and doing a reset again, the exact same problems appear. So I don't think its 12 related, I think its factory reset related. If anything its worse, when its doing the XYZ calibration, it waves around more like 10-15mm in the air, rather than 5mm. And even stranger, when it (obviously) does't find the first one, it jumps to the second, then a second later to the 3rd, and a second after that to the 4th, and starts hunting way up in the air again...

Veröffentlicht : 18/07/2017 9:24 pm
Re: Problem after upgrading to 3.0.12 and doing a full reset

My problems are very similar after upgrading to 3.0.12. I've been Printing flawlessly for weeks and upon upgrading to 3.0.12 my next print failed during mesh bed leveling. It continued to fail thereafter so I attempted to recalibrate xyz which fails at the first position as if the P.I.N.D.A. Probe is no longer working.

I don't receive an error message during the XYZ Calibration; when holding the sheet of paper under the nozzle, the nozzle begins to dig into the bed every single time regardless of the adjustments I make with the P.I.N.D.A. Probe.

Other than adjusting the Probe, which does not impact the XYZ Calibration either way, I have no idea what to do... All troubleshooting leads to adjusting the Probe. Any and all help would sincerely be appreciated. Thank you in advance....

Veröffentlicht : 19/07/2017 7:50 am
Eminent Member
Themenstarter answered:
Re: Problem after upgrading to 3.0.12 and doing a full reset

Unfortunately, I've still made no progress. The list of things not "right" are longer than the list that are.

Even downgraded to 3.0.11, the printer seems to be confused about calibration. XYZ, or Z, after raising the Z axis, the unit gets confused and tries to raise it more when looking for the sensor points.

At its core, it seems something has screwed up fundamentally how the printer is dealing with the Z axis. I have no idea if it was something with .12 that is "sticky" and surviving the downgrade, or if it was the reset. My next test is to go back to .9, which is what was on my printer when I got it.

Can someone in a known good state who hasn't monkeyed with their settings reply with the results of an M503? I want to compare the settings flashed into mine after the reset with what people have on theirs.

Veröffentlicht : 19/07/2017 1:45 pm
Eminent Member
Themenstarter answered:
Re: Problem after upgrading to 3.0.12 and doing a full reset

So downgrading to .9 didn't help either -- the same behavior happens. When doing the calibration, the Z axis doesn't lower unless I do an auto-home, and after doing an auto home, it doesn't lower far enough. So whatever the upgrade or reset screwed up is persistent, and something that isn't overwritten in a firmware upgrade/downgrade or a factory reset (the old double-beep, or the new "reset all")

Veröffentlicht : 19/07/2017 2:07 pm
Eminent Member
Themenstarter answered:
Re: Problem after upgrading to 3.0.12 and doing a full reset

Some more detail ...
When I was on .9, auto-home stopped working, but I could use the "move axis" to move the carriage down if I reset the Z position via GCode so it didn't think it was at 0.

Upgrading from .9 back to .12 seems to have broken the auto-home that was previously working. Now all of the calibration steps have the same issue -- they don't lower the Z axis at all. On .12, I can't get the carriage to lower at all anymore, even if I reset the Z position (M92 G100) and then use the move axis in the LCD. If I try to move the carriage at all, up works, but it tells me the endstop is hit. Down does nothing, and tells me the endstop is hit:

Send: G1 Z10
Recv: ok
Recv: echo:endstops hit: Z:191.65

I don't know if this is a controller problem (hardware) as the system *could* lower it before the last upgrade/downgrade cycle. Now it appears the only thing the printer can do is move the axis up. It doesn't make sense to me that it could move one way and not the other because of a hardware issue... you're just reversing the pattern of the signals sent to the stepper to reverse it, so if it works one way, it pretty much by definition should work both.

So I'm pretty confident something is really screwed up as a result of the upgrade and each cycle is making it worse, and its not something that gets overwritten (cleanly) in each upgrade/downgrade. The flash settings seem fine:

Recv: echo:Steps per unit:
Recv: echo: M92 X100.00 Y100.00 Z400.00 E161.30
Recv: echo:Maximum feedrates (mm/s):
Recv: echo: M203 X500.00 Y500.00 Z12.00 E120.00
Recv: echo:Maximum Acceleration (mm/s2):
Recv: echo: M201 X9000 Y9000 Z500 E10000
Recv: echo:Acceleration: S=acceleration, T=retract acceleration
Recv: echo: M204 S1500.00 T1500.00
Recv: echo:Advanced variables: S=Min feedrate (mm/s), T=Min travel feedrate (mm/s), B=minimum segment time (ms), X=maximum XY jerk (mm/s), Z=maximum Z jerk (mm/s), E=maximum E jerk (mm/s)
Recv: echo: M205 S0.00 T0.00 B20000 X10.00 Y10.00 Z0.20 E2.50
Recv: echo:Home offset (mm):
Recv: echo: M206 X0.00 Y0.00 Z0.00
Recv: echo:PID settings:
Recv: echo: M301 P40.93 I4.88 D86.08
Recv: echo:PID heatbed settings:
Recv: echo: M304 P126.13 I4.30 D924.76
Recv: echo:Retract: S=Length (mm) F:Speed (mm/m) Z: ZLift (mm)
Recv: echo: M207 S3.00 F2700.00 Z0.00
Recv: echo:Recover: S=Extra length (mm) F:Speed (mm/m)
Recv: echo: M208 S0.00 F480.00
Recv: echo:Auto-Retract: S=0 to disable, 1 to interpret extrude-only moves as retracts or recoveries
Recv: echo: M209 S0
Recv: echo:Filament settings: Disabled
Recv: ok

That matches examples I've found online...

I can't find anything that talks about what other settings there may be that are a) persistent, and b) not in that list.

Veröffentlicht : 19/07/2017 4:02 pm
Eminent Member
Themenstarter answered:
Re: Problem after upgrading to 3.0.12 and doing a full reset

More info, and I suspect the core of the problem:

Send: M119
Recv: Reporting endstop status
Recv: x_min: open
Recv: x_max: open
Recv: y_min: open
Recv: y_max: open
Recv: z_min: TRIGGERED
Recv: z_max: open

The printer thinks z_min is triggered, which explains why it won't move down. The PINDA probe is lit, though, and properly shuts off near metal, so the probe doesn't look to be telling it that.

Veröffentlicht : 19/07/2017 5:26 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Problem after upgrading to 3.0.12 and doing a full reset

My issue is very similar to this. Reinstalling 3.0.12 did fix it until I switched the printer off and now the issue is back. I wonder if its the Pinda probe acting up and detecting the bed when its not actually there.

Veröffentlicht : 25/07/2017 2:57 pm
Eminent Member
Themenstarter answered:
Re: Problem after upgrading to 3.0.12 and doing a full reset

So I've kinda-sorta got my problems squared away... At least, I've gotten a single good print out of the printer today, which is a big step forward.

There were two primary issues I seem to have had.

First, it looks like there's a bed heating problem with 3.0.10, which is what I was running, that was causing very inconsistent heating of the bed. No idea how that would be, but on 3.0.9 I have a 2-3 degree C difference in temperatures across the bed, and in 3.0.10, it can be 10-20c. Apparently bed heating inconsistency is a known issue in .10.

Second, and apparently completely coincidentally, my PINDA failed partway through my upgrade/downgrade cycles trying to figure out what was going on. It seems like it was a partial fail, and then it failed completely so the printer through it was at Zmin no matter what. I think the behavioral differences between the various versions were related to exactly when the various versions hit code that bothered to check Zmin.

I replaced the PINDA yesterday and the printer started calibrating again. I'm still struggling with first layers going down cleanly and sticking, but I (seemingly miraculously) have the PRUSA logo test print almost done with the original filament that came with the printer, and it looks flawless. But that was after a half dozen failures before that, so... no idea if it was luck or not.

Two other things I changed while I had it apart -- I added a silicone sock over the extruder head (which required a PID tuning to get temperatures back to stable), and I ran some eSUN cleaning filament through the head. I don't think either had any real impact on anything though, although the sock made cleaning up the mess when the prints failed a LOT easier. Prusa really should be including those...

Veröffentlicht : 25/07/2017 3:12 pm
New Member
Re: Problem after upgrading to 3.0.12 and doing a full reset

I am sorry I can't tell you what or how to fix the issues, but I can assure you that you are not alone. When we upgraded, we also had to do a factory reset, but it still showed remnants of the upgrade?!?!
Prusas directions were as follows:

Full reset procedure is complex as doing it accidentally would mean that you have to spend 20 minutes calibrating again.

Press and release the reset button (marked X and positioned under the control knob on the LCD panel)
Press and hold the control knob until you hear a beep
Release the control knob
Immediately press and hold the control knob until you hear a double beep
Release the control knob
When done correctly, the printer LCD will show the language selection.

We had the opposite problem thought that the z axis kept running into the bed. My boyfriend checked our current configurations using m503, z was set to 4000 instead of 400. After changing that we reinstalled the upgrade and the printer was running "fine" until I had my extruder blob meltdown

Veröffentlicht : 25/07/2017 11:16 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Problem after upgrading to 3.0.12 and doing a full reset

Thanks for posting the reset procedure karen.w2.

After reseting the printer fully and reinstalling 3.0.12 final, my printer is working normally again.

Veröffentlicht : 27/07/2017 9:39 am
New Member
Re: Problem after upgrading to 3.0.12 and doing a full reset

I am having similar problems. I found that my z axis goes between 0 and 26. Is should be more like 0 and 210.
If I go to settings/move axis Z it will top out between 21 and 26. I believe this should be something like 210. Seems to be moving many times too fast/far.
Any ideas for me.
It will not calibrate and slams in to the bed during calibration

Veröffentlicht : 30/08/2017 2:20 am