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Print surface pitted on one side  

Active Member
Print surface pitted on one side

Hi all!

I just bought my printer a few weeks back and am still very much a noob, so apologies if this question has an obvious answer, or has been asked before (looked, but didn't find an answer).

Yesterday I printed my first self-designed piece, basically a 47mm tall cylinder, and after it had finished I noticed that the surface of the print was pitted, almost as if the perimeter layers had been torn away during print (see images). The problem is definitely worse on the back side of the print, and seemed to get worse with increased height, though the top ~25% seem to be fine (I had run the printer in silent mode until that point).

Now I'm wondering, mostly out of curiosity; what could be the explanation for this?

So far, I've assumed that it had something to do with cooling (read somewhere on the forum about fans not cooling backsides of objects as efficiently), or that it could be a problem with the bed levelling.

I have run all the calibrations and they check out nicely (even to the "good job" message).

The print was made using Prusa PLA @210/55 deg Celsius. 0.15mm layer height. 40mm/s print speed for perimeters (50% for external), 80mm/s for infill (30% infill total) .

Would be very thankful for any ideas!

Have a great day!

Napsal : 18/12/2017 4:28 pm
Reputable Member
Re: Print surface pitted on one side

Had a similar problem when I printed the provided frog. Later it dawned on me I had left the filament out for a week between prints. After a few more small prints it quit as I had gotten down to lower layers on the roll that had not been exposed to humidity.

Hope that helps,


Napsal : 18/12/2017 4:42 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Print surface pitted on one side

For me this looks like partially serious underextrusion, maybe beacause of tangled filament.
Given this is PLA or ABS I would like to offer you upload your construction which I would slice for you
with definitly proper settings and upload that again. Just Checking whether this is about settings....

Napsal : 18/12/2017 5:09 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Print surface pitted on one side

Thanks Neal and Alex.

I don't think humidity is an issue as it's ridiculously dry where I live, but I'll keep in in mind for the future. The filament may have tangled, though if it did it had un-tangled itself by the time I got home from work

As to re-uploading the design, here's a link to the .stl:

But I will need to change it (unrelated to the bad print). Would be good to see someone else's settings though, thanks for the offer!

Napsal : 18/12/2017 6:14 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Print surface pitted on one side

And here are your gcodes, one for pla one for petg as well as my .fff profiles.
No problems with the filament itself this should come out as well as could be.

Just printing a christmas tree in transparent red petg in vase mode.
After that I will try your design which I am sure will come out ok, there are (nearly) no faults in the .stl.
If yours will not we have to look for something mechanical...

Napsal : 18/12/2017 6:51 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Print surface pitted on one side

So I just did a test print with the PLA file which came out well.
I certainly did not have the stamina watching it to end...

Do not be offended by the colour, I just took what I 1st had on hand.
So the file as such is ok.
If you still have problems they may be related to as said before tangled filament or maybe a loose drive wheel at the extruder motor or such...

Napsal : 18/12/2017 9:18 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Print surface pitted on one side

Thanks again!

I'll give your .gcode a try this afternoon.

Followup noob question though: Since Slic3r won't let me open gcodes, which program can I use to open them and have a look at your settings?


Napsal : 19/12/2017 10:28 am
Estimable Member
Re: Print surface pitted on one side

Thanks again!

I'll give your .gcode a try this afternoon.

Followup noob question though: Since Slic3r won't let me open gcodes, which program can I use to open them and have a look at your settings?


For that you would need Simplify 3D, but it shows no settings from the gcode, though.
For slicer setting I would have a look here...

Napsal : 19/12/2017 12:18 pm
Reputable Member
Re: Print surface pitted on one side

Followup noob question though: Since Slic3r won't let me open gcodes, which program can I use to open them and have a look at your settings?

Gcodes can be opened with any text editor, its just a text file.


Napsal : 19/12/2017 12:29 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Print surface pitted on one side

Followup noob question though: Since Slic3r won't let me open gcodes, which program can I use to open them and have a look at your settings?

Gcodes can be opened with any text editor, its just a text file.

That is certainly correct.
The settings in the files header would only be of use for those who use S3D, though.

Napsal : 19/12/2017 2:00 pm
Reputable Member
Re: Print surface pitted on one side

The settings in the files header would only be of use for those who use S3D, though.

Isnt just a matter of understanding the different way to how the commands are stated from slicer to slicer?
Im no expert though, i just thought that we all have the same printer and can use the same gcode from whatever slicer it comes from.


Napsal : 20/12/2017 8:58 am