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Print surface not level  

Print surface not level

Hey all,
I’m having some issues with bed leveling on my MK2S that I hope you can help me with. I’m getting an inconsistent first layer. For the majority of the bed, the first layer looks great. But for a certain part of the bed, it looks like the bed is too low.

I tried to determine where the issues were by printing a large square, only 0.2 mm high. I’m running PLA with the stock .4 mm nozzle, with a 0.2mm layer height. You can see light through the sheet when I hold it up to a white background. The layers just aren’t squished together. Additionally, in the lower right hand portion, it looks like I’m overextruding slightly.

I’m running the stock Slic3r PE settings on 0.2 mm layer height – the only change I’ve made it setting the extrustion multiplier to 0.95. This print issue only seems to effect this part of the bed (the upper-leftish portion and the very lower right).
Any ideas what might be causing this? Thanks for your help!

Posted : 28/03/2018 10:34 pm
Reputable Member
Re: Print surface not level

well it's better than mine... heh. you can use the fine tuning in the calibration menu to try to make the corner a bit lower.

Posted : 30/03/2018 7:20 am