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[Closed] print going wrong  

Active Member
print going wrong


I am using a MK2 with latest firmware and slicing with Slicer from latest driver package. Reinitialized config. I am printing a box in Colorfabb Ngen. Only changed infill to 15%. While printing the base plate the print suddenly goes bad with lots of blobs I guess. Any ideas on the cause? Bad filament? See picture.

Posted : 27/02/2018 1:40 pm
New Member
Re: print going wrong

The appearance of the rest of the print suggests to me that your Z adjustment is too low. The first layer squished out, so the second layer has to squish out too. Eventually you get a glob instead of a line laid down. I'm much less sure of the other part of this answer, which is that the extra drag forced the x or y axis to skip because the amount of resistance to movement was too much for the power the stepper motor could deliver.

Posted : 09/03/2019 9:34 pm