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Print Advice Needed!  

New Member
Print Advice Needed!

Hey all,

Just finished building my I3 MK2S and i've been really pleased with it so far.

I printed out the Prusa logo and Treefrog which both came out really nicely. Then I decided to go for a longer print which was the Castle. I started it going and it all looked good but then once it started getting up to the complicated bits it started getting really messy. I've attached pics to show you what I mean.

Any ideas?


Napsal : 06/06/2017 4:32 pm
Robert Bonham
Estimable Member
Re: Print Advice Needed!

Questions that might help you get a answer:

Is that the Prusa Silver PLA that you used?
Did you use the included gcode or slice your own version of the castle?
Do all the calibration checks succeed?

I don't yet have a Prusa yet (waiting).

My thoughts:
make sure your printer will move to it's maximum z height smoothly
Run all the alignment tests

Watch this video end to seems like it helps to catch a lot of little things that could be out of alignment

Robert B.

Napsal : 06/06/2017 9:49 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Print Advice Needed!

Is that the Prusa Silver PLA that you used? - Yep! Came with the printer.

Did you use the included gcode or slice your own version of the castle? - Included Gcode on the SD Card that came with the printer.

Do all the calibration checks succeed? - Yep all Calibration checks completed without issue, and it seems to travel all the way to the top without issue.

Napsal : 06/06/2017 10:48 pm
New Member
Re: Print Advice Needed!

I have an additional question regarding your print.
It has several vertical lines all around the castle.
They look like ringin(ghosting) but im sure they arent.

I get those too, all over my prints on my MK2.

Does anyone know how to get rid of them?

Napsal : 07/06/2017 10:38 am
New Member
Re: Print Advice Needed!

The horizontal problems look like underextrusion.
Have you calibrated your extruder steps?
Is the hobbed wheel clean?
is the tension on the extrusion lever correct? (13mm length of spring)?
Is your environment clean, or dusty or something?


Napsal : 07/06/2017 10:40 am
Leandro Fontanarrosa
New Member
Re: Print Advice Needed!

hi it seems like its to hot, for those small details and flying times you should consider to lower the temp (10* must be enough), you'll see

Napsal : 09/06/2017 9:02 pm