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Preheat error  

New Member
Preheat error

I have just finishing building the MK2S kit. Self test and Calibration went fine. When running the V2Calibiration code from the SD card it failed on preheating. While checking the settings, I noticed that even though a letter in the kit said the latest firm ware 3.0.12 was installed - it had 3.0.10 on it. So I upgraded it to 3.0.12 - and now the selft test keeps on failing with "Heater/Thermistor not connected"

However, when running the V2Calibration SD card code now - it says "Bed heating" (correctly reaches 55) - then it says "heating".... and nozzle temp increases steadily to 53/54 but does not seem to get warmer then that. After which it gives "Preheat error". Because the temp does increase it suggests that the heater is connected but perhaps something badly taking temperature?

Similar to when I select Preheat PLA (255/55) LCD says Heatbed seems to move to 55... then Nozzle slowly increases from room temp to about 51 then a fan starts blowing but nozzle temp doesn't seem to go over 55... and then after a while it switches off to 0 for both.

Have checked all the cables/connectors and as far as I can see they're all correctly connected... Nozzle does feel really warm so... not sure if it's the termistor... or not or how to check it, really... any ideas?

Respondido : 27/08/2017 2:51 pm
Noble Member
Re: Preheat error

Assuming the printer passes the Self test, then things are connected.

Assuming the printer fails when the V2 Calibration code is running that means the connection might be intermittent when the carriage is moving. Since the cable flexes the connection at both the heat end and the thermistor end (taped below the bed) I would look for intermittent connections there.

I would also recommend not trying to set your Live Z using the V2 Calibration code, but would suggest following these instructions:


If that does not help, please comment back here and we can see what we can figure out.

Any advices given are offered in good faith. It is your responsibility to ensure that by following my advice you do not suffer or cause injury, damage or loss. If you solve your problem, please post the solution…

Respondido : 27/08/2017 4:20 pm