Pre-assembled MK2S Axis Vibration and Harmonics
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Pre-assembled MK2S Axis Vibration and Harmonics  

Eminent Member
Pre-assembled MK2S Axis Vibration and Harmonics

Afternoon all- I just got my printer a few days ago. I have it printing pretty well at this point however I have some concerns. First off UPS did a terrible job shipping the unit, when it arrived the zip ties on the X carriage were all torn loose and that worried me. However I tired to get it back best I could, I did not see a ton of other damage and it all calibrated fine. I did the Z calibration and although not necessary for the pee-assembled version I did the XYZ calibration as well.

However it still has a very loud sound that comes mainly from the Y-axis and some from the X-axis but i think that might be just resonating from the same source as the Y-axis movement. I made some youtube videos so you can hear the noise. When it printing it is not as noticeable unless the printer makes large Y-axis movement.

Any help would be appreciated- also attached are a few first layer prints and some sample prints. And on the noise issue from what I can tell it is not something obvious, I have check most all the connection points and screws for tightness everything seems to be kosher on those. This is my 3rd printer, first Prusa but I do not have such harmonics from my QIDI and honestly the print quality of my QIDI is right on par with what I see in this Prusa so far (which saddens me to be honest)

(sounds during XYZ calibration)

Thank you-


Opublikowany : 10/06/2017 11:03 pm
Reputable Member
Re: Pre-assembled MK2S Axis Vibration and Harmonics

I am afraid to say, that noise level sounds about normal to what I get from from Prusa bearings and rods. If you're not perfectly aligned, trying to get the frame more perpendicular might help a little. Theres a bunch of different dampening devices you can print, or concrete slabs to put under the printer

... but in the end my fix was: get decent bearings and rods and the noise should go away.

Your sample prints look pretty decent in my opinion. Try some PID tuning and extruder calibration next if you haven't done so yet.

Opublikowany : 11/06/2017 1:38 am
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Pre-assembled MK2S Axis Vibration and Harmonics

Thank you for the reply SK, I was sort of afraid of that on the noise issue. Maybe in a few months when I'm 100 percent comfortable with the printer I will upgrade the bearings on the bed first since those require very little effort and disassembly. I will continue to tweak some settings and see how I can improve the quality. Printed a Yoda today and honestly it looks pretty damn good nine my opinion. It come off the printer just as the pictures show.

Opublikowany : 12/06/2017 4:48 am