PINDA Probe - Trying to get support
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PINDA Probe - Trying to get support  

New Member
PINDA Probe - Trying to get support

Hi all, I wonder if anyone can give some advice to try and get some actualy support from Prusa !

Last weekend after a few months use the PINDA probe on my Mk2S died, probably internal failures in the cable.

Printer is only a few months old, so presumably covered by warranty. So I used the online chat in the store, Tom told me to send an email with a quick video (a video of something not working is not so easy), so I did so.

1 week later, no response. Since then we've contacted via facebook, the online chat and the contact form on the website. Zero response until now!

Am I expecting too much, all we need is a mail to say they have received the claim, anyone any experience of this!


Publié : 29/09/2017 11:29 am
Trusted Member
Re: PINDA Probe - Trying to get support

No light on the PINDA? Probably bad cable management.... Cut the zip ties right after the extruder and check if the cable from pinda probe is not cut or have any sign of wear done by the zip ties. If so, turn on the printer and try to wiggle the cable. If the LED on PINDA lights up - you have resolved the problem. 5 minutes of soldering, new zip-ties any ready to go.

Publié : 29/09/2017 2:27 pm
Honorable Member
Re: PINDA Probe - Trying to get support

You need to cut them some slack at the moment. Since they announced the MK3 they have been rushed off their feet, and have even taken down "Live Chat" for a few days.

Where as normally their response has been immediate, this week they have been very slow to say the least....

I notice today that Live Chat is back, and I have had a couple of emails regarding my MK3 order, so I get the feeling that they are returning to normal, but I would give them a little longer to respond.

And if you are sympathetic to their current situation, they are more likely to help you for free..

Good luck


Publié : 29/09/2017 5:29 pm
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