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Nozzle calibration  

New Member
Nozzle calibration

Hi all

I am working at the calibration of the nozzle of my new MK2S, see chapter 6.3.9 First layer calibration, page 22!

The link file:!Ah3ROr-SBUwzhcRez5nK4GhKtP5vgQ

I hope you see that the plastic is at the surface, it is a mess 🙂

I have played and experiment with the Live adjust Z option and that is make it better. I do have some question:
If I choose V2Calibration.gcode from the SDCard it chose 20 degrees for the nozzle but PLA is melting at 215 degrees according to the handbook, should I change the temp or live it as it is?

Have measured the distance from the nozzle to the surface. The hight is 1mm in diff.. between the left and right side of the heatbed, can I do anything or can ha adjust one of the Z-motor?

Best Fredrik

Publié : 09/11/2017 10:54 pm
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