New user, first prints... with some issues
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New user, first prints... with some issues  

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New user, first prints... with some issues

I am brand new to 3D printing. I received my Mk 2 about 6 weeks ago, but I was unfortunately on travel for work until this past week. I got it assembled, easily enough, and ran through the different calibration functions successfully. I decided to print a few of the models on the supplied SD card first to rule out any issues with my own models/gcode.

Please see the following imgur album for pictures of each of the following prints:

First, I printed the Batman logo, and as far as I can tell, it is perfect, no issues whatsoever, smooth curves, sharp points, it's great.

Then I printed the whistle, more than anything to see how it did with unsupported surfaces. This is where the first issue came up. The quality seemed to drop off and i noticed the curling on unsupported edges. I thought it might be a fan setting issue and continued on to another model.

Next, I attempted to print the tree frog. I noticed it was building up material above the nozzle exit after it started getting into the infill portion of the print and I stopped it and checked on things. I re ran the different calibrations (XYZ, Mesh Bed Leveling, & V2Cal) and was happy with my results (though I did have to change the Live Z Adjustment to get the good adhesion I had before.

So I attempted to print the tree frog again. Same results.

Then, to rule out the possibility that the model was the issue, I attempted to print the Martian. His legs were looking good, though the perimeter didn't adhere great, but then as it started getting up to his body, I saw the same results as I'd seen on the previous two prints: buildup/curling above the nozzle exit, such that the nozzle would drag across these buildups. So I cancelled that print as well, unloaded the filament, and went to bed.

This morning, I started fresh again; ran the different calibrations, reloaded the filament and printed the Martian. I let it finish this time despite seeing similar results as the last print, just to see how it went. The legs look fine, and the upper half of his spherical body look fine. The facial details and anywhere there is overhang seemed to have lots of curling and buildup.

I wanted to get some input from you all, being more experienced than I, before I started disassembling things trying to find an issue. At the very least, I hope you all can help me narrow the list of things to check. I have a few ideas, but again, I yield to the experts here. While I am brand new to 3D printing, I am an engineer by training and trade, I'm very mechanically inclined, and I have a decent understanding of how it all works, so I'm hoping I haven't overlooked something obvious.

Thanks in advance for all the help.

Very Respectfully,

Publié : 20/08/2016 7:34 pm
David T.
Noble Member
Re: New user, first prints... with some issues

Looks like your cooling fan is not working. I mean that big fan on front side of extruder, not small HE fan blowing from left to right.
Cooling fan should start working at 2nd layer of printed object when printing from PLA.
You can check its function manually by turning it on from menu item.
If it doesn't work, check its cabling and connector polarity, it won't work when connected in reversed polarity. Look carefully at colors of wires and compare to photos in assembly guide.

Publié : 20/08/2016 8:06 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: New user, first prints... with some issues

Both fans are running. What was interesting to me was that when I let the Martian print finish the second time I tried it, it looked okay on the top half of his diameter, like the overhang is the issue. His legs were fine, but everything on the lower half of the circular portion was a mess.

My first instinct was that the PLA wasn't cooling fast enough, and thus, curling up, but if my blower fan is running, I don't know what would make my printer do different on this gcode file than any other Mk2.

Publié : 20/08/2016 10:55 pm
Membre Moderator
Re: New user, first prints... with some issues

Actually, that's very strange.

Can you check that there is nothing that obstruct the air flow ? If you remove the small part that redirect the air flow below the frontal fan, is there anything that block air ? If you put your finger near the nozzle (do it with cold nozzle !!!) and manually start the fan from LCD, do you feel air flow ?

I'm like Jon Snow, I know nothing.

Publié : 20/08/2016 11:59 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: New user, first prints... with some issues

I will check that when I get home. I don't remember anything seeming odd there when assembling, but it's definitely worth checking.

Publié : 21/08/2016 2:33 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: New user, first prints... with some issues

Actually, that's very strange.

Can you check that there is nothing that obstruct the air flow ? If you remove the small part that redirect the air flow below the frontal fan, is there anything that block air ? If you put your finger near the nozzle (do it with cold nozzle !!!) and manually start the fan from LCD, do you feel air flow ?

I am having trouble finding an option to run the fan manually from the LCD menu. I see there is a "fan speed" option under the temperature settings, but changing that had no effect. Again, while it was running, I did ensure the blower fan was running, but didn't put my hand in there because the nozzle was hot. Am I missing something in the options?

FYI, I'm running latest firmware 3.0.6, in case that is relevant to where the manual fan setting is.

Publié : 21/08/2016 5:33 pm
David T.
Noble Member
Re: New user, first prints... with some issues

Find the option "Fan speed", push the button, change the value to 255, push button again. The fan must go full speed at this setting. Do it while the extruder is cold, so the HE fan doesn't confuse you with its noise.

Publié : 21/08/2016 5:40 pm
Membre Moderator
Re: New user, first prints... with some issues

Is it possible you are printing the ABS version instead of the PLA? The fan in the ABS version will be disabled and with the additional heat from the ABS settings can cause a real mess with PLA.

Publié : 21/08/2016 6:52 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: New user, first prints... with some issues

Is it possible you are printing the ABS version instead of the PLA? The fan in the ABS version will be disabled and with the additional heat from the ABS settings can cause a real mess with PLA.

I'm just printing the models that were on the included SD card. They are all labeled PLA, so unless they are wrong, I don't think that's an issue. Also, I was able to see the blower fan was running during printing.

I received some ABS in the mail today. I'm tempted to try a print with it to determine if my PLA issues are from cooling or not.

Publié : 21/08/2016 7:16 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: New user, first prints... with some issues

Find the option "Fan speed", push the button, change the value to 255, push button again. The fan must go full speed at this setting. Do it while the extruder is cold, so the HE fan doesn't confuse you with its noise.

Okay, I did that and I can hear a high pitched whine with my ear next to the blower fan, but it is not spinning. I will check the polarity of the fan connection to the PCB next.

This is weird though, I could swear i felt the blower fan spinning when I touched its hub during a print.

Either way, I'll check the connection and then I was thinking of printing the Batman logo to see if it still came out as perfect as it did before. Also, I received some ABS that I ordered today, so I can also try printing on that today to see if it is indeed a cooling issue.

Thanks for the help, I will report back on my findings!

Publié : 21/08/2016 7:24 pm
David T.
Noble Member
Re: New user, first prints... with some issues

Okay, I did that and I can hear a high pitched whine with my ear next to the blower fan, but it is not spinning.
Check if its rotor can rotate freely. Maybe there is some debris blocking its movement.

Publié : 21/08/2016 8:13 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: New user, first prints... with some issues

Okay, I did that and I can hear a high pitched whine with my ear next to the blower fan, but it is not spinning.
Check if its rotor can rotate freely. Maybe there is some debris blocking its movement.

Spins freely, no debris... But this was the one PCB connection that wasn't keyed to only go on one way, and I managed to put it on backwards, fan is blowing perfect now, I'm about to start a print to see how it goes. I feel a little foolish, but of all the problems I could have, this one isn't too bad (or expensive!).

Thanks again to all for all the help. I will report back after this print.

Publié : 21/08/2016 9:39 pm
David T.
Noble Member
Re: New user, first prints... with some issues

I'm sure it will be perfect. The same issue was discussed here too many times. Mistaken diagnostic was very unlikely to happen. 😉

I wonder if it would be a problem to include cooling fan diagnostic into selftest process. Josef? Vojtech? What do you think? People make mistakes connecting cooling fan too many times. What about setting HE to some specific temperature, then set to zero and compare cooling rate with fan on/off. Different cooling rate would mean the fan is working -> selftest passed.

Publié : 21/08/2016 10:02 pm
Membre Moderator
Re: New user, first prints... with some issues

I'm sure it will be perfect. The same issue was discussed here too many times. Mistaken diagnostic was very unlikely to happen. 😉

I wonder if it would be a problem to include cooling fan diagnostic into selftest process. Josef? Vojtech? What do you think? People make mistakes connecting cooling fan too many times. What about setting HE to some specific temperature, then set to zero and compare cooling rate with fan on/off. Different cooling rate would mean the fan is working -> selftest passed.

+1 ! 🙂

I'm like Jon Snow, I know nothing.

Publié : 21/08/2016 10:09 pm
David T.
Noble Member
Re: New user, first prints... with some issues

I've also made a suggestion in Czech section, perhaps somebody notices it.

Publié : 21/08/2016 10:13 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: New user, first prints... with some issues

I'm sure it will be perfect. The same issue was discussed here too many times. Mistaken diagnostic was very unlikely to happen. 😉

I wonder if it would be a problem to include cooling fan diagnostic into selftest process. Josef? Vojtech? What do you think? People make mistakes connecting cooling fan too many times. What about setting HE to some specific temperature, then set to zero and compare cooling rate with fan on/off. Different cooling rate would mean the fan is working -> selftest passed.

It's running fine, about halfway done. Thanks again for all the help, and that's a good idea on the self test addition!!

Publié : 21/08/2016 10:14 pm
New Member
Re: New user, first prints... with some issues

I had the same problem turns out the fan was wired the wrong way. Thanks for the help 😀

Publié : 07/11/2016 3:32 am
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