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New Printer  

New Member
New Printer

Hello people,

I just recently got the i3 MK2 delivered and it was remarkably easy to assemble, and I confess to not being exactly mechanically inclined.
I wanted to let you know that I was impressed with how well written and explained the whole thing was. A few hiccups with the electronics but I'm confident I will get them ironed out soon. Still I wanted to say I am impressed.


Posted : 29/11/2016 1:55 am
Cunning Linguist
Re: New Printer

Good to hear a success story. Too often in online forums the only thing you read are problems and that's ... scary. 🙂

Bad decisions make good stories

Posted : 29/11/2016 1:15 pm
Reputable Member
Re: New Printer

Agreed. Mine went together good. I did study the assembly instructions including the user comments and read this forum from top to bottom before starting. I ran into a few snags but they were expected and solutions known so no problem.
I did my build over two days I had set aside the time for. I took frequent breaks, although impatience tried to make me rush it, to make sure I stayed relaxed and focused on the build.
Preparation was key.

I am enjoying the fruits of my labor now and waiting for the 4 color upgrade!

Posted : 29/11/2016 2:13 pm