New 3.0.10-RC1 firmware for Prusa i3 MK2
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New 3.0.10-RC1 firmware for Prusa i3 MK2  

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New 3.0.10-RC1 firmware for Prusa i3 MK2

3.0.10-RC1 firmware for Prusa i3 MK2


  • Loose pulleys test added

  • Statistics fixed

  • PID tuning fixed and saving parameters to EEPROM enabled

  • Stop print function fixed

  • Load filament function improved

  • Stack guard added

  • Xyz calibration updated

  • Factory reset has new menu
  • Detailed description of changes:

    Loose pulleys test added:

  • Selftest now contains detection of loose X and Y motor pulleys. This was one of the main causes of xyz calibration errors.
  • Statistics fixed:

  • Total filament used values were wrong in some cases. It was caused by storing negative numbers into unsigned variables which led to underflow and than storing wrong number (aproximately 43 km) into EEPROM. This has been fixed and should not occure in the future, but it is necessary to reset statistics if there is suspicion that data stored in EEPROM are not correct.
  • PID tuning fixed and saving parameters to EEPROM enabled:

  • Using M301 and M304 led to unreadable serial output. Now it is fixed and it is possible to run PID tuning and store settings to EEPROM using M500.

  • Stop print function fixed:
  • Starting new print right after stoping print could lead to printing with heater or bed target temperature set to zero. Now it is fixed and it not possible to start new print before stop print sequence is finished. Status messages during stop print process has been updated to provide better information about the process.

  • Stopping print before homing happened and axis positions were known could led into crashing. It has been fixed and stop print sequence now contains no movements in X or Y direction unless axis positions are known.
  • Load filament function improved:

  • Load filament function was extended. In the end of loading process, user is asked if color is clear. If extruded material color is still mixed with previous filament color, it is now possible to choose "no" to easily extrude more filament.

  • Status messages have been updated to provide better information about the loading process.

  • It is now possible to use M701 for filament loading.
  • Stack guard added:

  • This feature detects if static variables are being overwritten by stack. It should prevent unpredictable behavior and improve overall reliability.
  • XYZ calibration updated:

  • There is new automatic heater and bed cooling at the beginning of xyz calibration. User is also remainded by new message that he should control nozzle to bed distance during first calibration steps. This should minimize risk of heatbed damage.

  • Bed level correction is reset at the beginning of xyz calibration

  • Improved some of the final messages in xyz calibration
  • Factory reset menu:
    New factory reset menu is accesible by holding the knob after reset. In this menu are currently four items:

  • Language: resets language to english (default)

  • Statistics: resets total print time and total filament used

  • Shiping prep: resets Z calibration flag, prepare printer for shipping

  • All data: Erases EEPROM

  • Factory reset menu will be extended by additional service menu functions in next releases.
  • Other improvements:

  • Reset xyz calibration resets live adjust also

  • Live adjust is not allowed during homing

  • Some menu items were hidden when print is paused. It has been fixed.

  • When print was paused and then stopped, some menu items remained hidden because of paused print flag remained set. It has been fixed.

  • Messages in Italian language corrected

  • M702 is used to unload filament

  • Unloading filament status message added
  • Veröffentlicht : 03/02/2017 2:44 pm
    Mitglied Moderator
    Re: New 3.0.10-RC1 firmware for Prusa i3 MK2

    ❓ in 3.0.10-alpha2 there was a (nice) new feature for the extruder calibration (10cm trick). has this been rejected for rc1 ? or does it simply lack in your list of changes ?

    dem inscheniör is' nix zu schwör...

    Veröffentlicht : 03/02/2017 3:14 pm
    Josef Průša
    Mitglied Admin
    Re: New 3.0.10-RC1 firmware for Prusa i3 MK2

    ❓ in 3.0.10-alpha2 there was a (nice) new feature for the extruder calibration (10cm trick). has this been rejected for rc1 ? or does it simply lack in your list of changes ?

    We decided to investigate more as it would probably require changes to the print settings.

    Founder and owner / Majitel a zakladatel
    Veröffentlicht : 03/02/2017 6:18 pm
    Mitglied Moderator
    Re: New 3.0.10-RC1 firmware for Prusa i3 MK2

    We decided to investigate more as it would probably require changes to the print settings.

    ah, that's why i've to reduce the extrusion multiplyer to approximately 0.95 when printing with the alpha2 🙄 ...

    dem inscheniör is' nix zu schwör...

    Veröffentlicht : 03/02/2017 7:15 pm
    Estimable Member
    Re: New 3.0.10-RC1 firmware for Prusa i3 MK2

    ❓ in 3.0.10-alpha2 there was a (nice) new feature for the extruder calibration (10cm trick). has this been rejected for rc1 ? or does it simply lack in your list of changes ?

    We decided to investigate more as it would probably require changes to the print settings.

    Speaking of settings, there were some changes in the settings repo. does it make sense to import those into my settings?

    Veröffentlicht : 03/02/2017 8:28 pm
    Josef Průša
    Mitglied Admin
    Re: New 3.0.10-RC1 firmware for Prusa i3 MK2

    Speaking of settings, there were some changes in the settings repo. does it make sense to import those into my settings?

    They contain setting for new supports which will be introduced with new Slic3r.

    Also get ready for variable layer height 🙂

    Founder and owner / Majitel a zakladatel
    Veröffentlicht : 03/02/2017 9:15 pm
    Mitglied Moderator
    Re: New 3.0.10-RC1 firmware for Prusa i3 MK2

    Also get ready for variable layer height 🙂

    that sounds promising. but i guess that'll be a feature of the slicer and not of the printer itself.
    or am i wrong ❓

    dem inscheniör is' nix zu schwör...

    Veröffentlicht : 04/02/2017 12:21 am
    New Member
    Re: New 3.0.10-RC1 firmware for Prusa i3 MK2

    ❓ in 3.0.10-alpha2 there was a (nice) new feature for the extruder calibration (10cm trick). has this been rejected for rc1 ? or does it simply lack in your list of changes ?

    HI Jeff,
    After updating firmware I ran "calibration/self test". where before it didn't fail now it fail's on "loose pulley - Y". I have checked the hardware and belt is tight (plucks with good tone). Any ideas

    Veröffentlicht : 04/02/2017 4:50 am
    New Member
    Re: New 3.0.10-RC1 firmware for Prusa i3 MK2

    ❓ in 3.0.10-alpha2 there was a (nice) new feature for the extruder calibration (10cm trick). has this been rejected for rc1 ? or does it simply lack in your list of changes ?

    HI Jeff,
    After updating firmware I ran "calibration/self test". where before it didn't fail now it fail's on "loose pulley - Y". I have checked the hardware and belt is tight (plucks with good tone). Any ideas

    Richard, i have the same problem. Everything ist tight and i think that's an error in this release candidate? What to do now?

    Veröffentlicht : 04/02/2017 8:56 am
    Mitglied Moderator
    Re: New 3.0.10-RC1 firmware for Prusa i3 MK2

    HI Jeff,
    After updating firmware I ran "calibration/self test". where before it didn't fail now it fail's on "loose pulley - Y". I have checked the hardware and belt is tight (plucks with good tone). Any ideas

    hmm... what should i say ?
    i don't know how the loose pulleye test has been implemented, but i guess the only way that this could be done is measuring the clearance of the printbed in x- and y-direction direction by finding the calibration points when approaching the pinda probe from different directcions.
    this may indicate one of the most common problems: a loose pulleye as well as other issues.

    so if it says "loose pulleye - y" that only means that there is a clearance in y-direction.
    this can not only be caused by a loose pulleye ❗
    i would check the y-carriage bearings as well... and the zip-ties... (because if they are loose as well, the whole printbed might wiggle)

    if everything is assembled fine, then one might assume that the measuring process delivers some tolerance too... so fiddeling around with the probes hight distance might decrase this tolerance.

    dem inscheniör is' nix zu schwör...

    Veröffentlicht : 04/02/2017 9:32 am
    Estimable Member
    Re: New 3.0.10-RC1 firmware for Prusa i3 MK2

    i don't know how the loose pulleye test has been implemented, but i guess the only way that this could be done is measuring the clearance of the printbed in x- and y-direction direction by finding the calibration points when approaching the pinda probe from different directcions.

    I'd do it with the endstops.

    Go to endstop, very slowly back off, and see when the endstop releases.
    Kind of measuring the backlash?

    Veröffentlicht : 04/02/2017 10:28 am
    Estimable Member
    Re: New 3.0.10-RC1 firmware for Prusa i3 MK2

    Speaking of settings, there were some changes in the settings repo. does it make sense to import those into my settings?

    They contain setting for new supports which will be introduced with new Slic3r.

    Also get ready for variable layer height 🙂

    Already pulled from git, and played around with it. 😀
    UI is great, and looks very solid. Only thing on my wishlist would be tooltips when hovering over the curve which displays set layer height.

    No time this weekend, but very much looking forward to play with it.

    Veröffentlicht : 04/02/2017 10:32 am
    Josef Průša
    Mitglied Admin
    Re: New 3.0.10-RC1 firmware for Prusa i3 MK2

    Loose pulley doesn't have to do anything with how tight the belts are. It means that the pulley is slipping on the motor shaft, so check if its grub screw properly tightened.

    Founder and owner / Majitel a zakladatel
    Veröffentlicht : 04/02/2017 12:35 pm
    Mitglied Moderator
    Re: New 3.0.10-RC1 firmware for Prusa i3 MK2

    could some skipped steps of the x-/y-motors could trigger a "loose pulleye"-message ?

    i mean: if the force is to high to move the axis (especially in silent-mode) maybe due to misaligned or defective bearings, the stepper itself might skip some steps. -> will this trigger the message as well ?

    dem inscheniör is' nix zu schwör...

    Veröffentlicht : 04/02/2017 12:46 pm
    Estimable Member
    Re: New 3.0.10-RC1 firmware for Prusa i3 MK2

    Also get ready for variable layer height 🙂

    Is this different from what can currently (1.31.6) be done selecting a part and going to settings to enter values? Or just a better UI for it?

    - Gab

    Veröffentlicht : 05/02/2017 3:43 am
    Trusted Member
    Re: New 3.0.10-RC1 firmware for Prusa i3 MK2

    I'm also getting the loose pulley error in the Y axis with the 3..0.10 RC1 firmware. The first thing I did was check the grub screw in the pulley and it was tight. I went ahead and loosened it and tried to realign it with the flat before tightening it again. No improvement as I still fail the self test for a Y axis loose pulley. I also checked bearings, belt, etc and can find nothing loose. I'm wondering if it could be the end stop switch not being consistent.

    Also, it also fails the XYZ calibration after the first four steps with the message to check the manual. I've had no problems with calibrating under 3.0.9, and it comes back as everything is perpendicular. Quality of prints under 3.0.9 is excellent.

    Veröffentlicht : 05/02/2017 5:40 am
    Mitglied Moderator
    Re: New 3.0.10-RC1 firmware for Prusa i3 MK2

    Loose pulley doesn't have to do anything with how tight the belts are. It means that the pulley is slipping on the motor shaft, so check if its grub screw properly tightened.

    Actually, it seems that it does.

    I just assembled the mk2 upgrade on my mk1, and had a lot of X pulley errors, that was only corrected by loosing the belt by two teeth. During the test, the motor was clearly forcing but didn't skip a tooth.

    So when the belt is tightened too much, the strong speed/acceleration used during the test is putting the mechanical tolerance to the edge, which is good to me, so that you have a way to ensure you use the proper tight of the belt !

    I'm like Jon Snow, I know nothing.

    Veröffentlicht : 05/02/2017 10:47 am
    Mitglied Moderator
    Re: New 3.0.10-RC1 firmware for Prusa i3 MK2

    It seems there is a strange behavious:

    Just after the selftest, I tried to use the "move Z axis", but that triggered a move from the 3 axis at the same time: (Z almost went to the top, Y almost to the front and X a bit to the right.

    May this be a bug ?

    I'm like Jon Snow, I know nothing.

    Veröffentlicht : 05/02/2017 11:43 am
    Mitglied Moderator
    Re: New 3.0.10-RC1 firmware for Prusa i3 MK2

    hi christophe
    can you reproduce this behaviour, or did it happen just once ?

    dem inscheniör is' nix zu schwör...

    Veröffentlicht : 05/02/2017 2:30 pm
    Trusted Member
    Re: New 3.0.10-RC1 firmware for Prusa i3 MK2

    Good idea Christophe, I hadn't thought about the Y belt being too tight. It is a little tighter than my X belt. I'll try backing it off a tooth or two and see if that helps my Y pulley failure.

    Btw, I had also tried the selftest in both silent and high power modes with the same results.

    Veröffentlicht : 05/02/2017 4:09 pm
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