Model shifts and moves midway through the print
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Model shifts and moves midway through the print  

New Member
Model shifts and moves midway through the print

Hello -

I recently purchased a used Prusa i3 MK2 printer. The owner before me took care of the printer pretty well. It had the latest firmware, and also included upgraded fans, cameras, and parts for me to use. After running my calibration tests successfully, when setting up a test print "3D BENCHY" the model lifts off the heat bed midway/quarter through the print. When doing so, it gets stuck on the nozzle and doesn't print successfully. Do I need to purchase a new MK42 heat bed or replace my PEI sheet? What else could I try to prevent this from happening?

Under my Support - it has the following information:
Firmware 3.1.0
Rambo 13a

After running the v2Calibration.gcode, I had to live adjust Z at -0.650 mm for the first layer to stick onto the heat bed. I'm using PLA with my Nozzle temperature at 215 and Bed temperature at 55. Any suggestions?

Postato : 24/12/2017 5:39 pm
Noble Member
Re: Model shifts and moves midway through the print

Make sure the bed is perfectly clean (clean with pure acetone and/or isopropyl alcohol (IPA) - the ones that are not pure can leave a residue that can prevent adhesions), and make sure your Live Z is set very very well.

It is very hard to get a good first layer by using V2Calibration file (unless you know what you are looking for.)

Try these steps:

Any advices given are offered in good faith. It is your responsibility to ensure that by following my advice you do not suffer or cause injury, damage or loss. If you solve your problem, please post the solution…

Postato : 24/12/2017 7:56 pm