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MK3 coming!  

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Estimable Member
Re: MK3 coming!


Hooking an OctoPi up to the MK2S is simple. I have 2 units, with a 3rd on order (should have been the 2nd system, but ordered with the MM units so its delayed until they ship). Anyway, setting up a RaspberryPi with OctoPi is extremely simple. The directions on how to set it up are easy to follow.

Don't know how the MK3 will make it much simpler...

- 1st "printer" TIKO 3D
- 2nd PRUSA i3 MK2S with MMU v1
- 3rd PRUSA i3 MK2S
- 4th PRUSA i3 MK3 with MMU v2- 5th PRUSA i3 MK4 (upgraded from MK3) with MMU v3 (upgraded from…

Posted : 24/09/2017 7:38 pm
Eminent Member
Re: MK3 coming!

I believe from a hardware standpoint they already have the header pins coming up, so all you do is plug in a Raspberry PI Zero, and you are done. No hooking up USB, no external power, just insert a micro SD card and you are done. Almost surprised it is not sold with one with it.

Posted : 24/09/2017 8:12 pm
Estimable Member
Re: MK3 coming!

- Actually last time I bought a car, I asked the sales guy, when is the new model coming out, he told me 3 months. I said, ok lets order that
- We pretty much know when every phone is coming out so it really isn't a surprise not to mention prices drop quite a while before new launches.
- You got your MK2 a week before MK2S came out but you were able to upgrade to the MK2S, free or at the price for parts.

Try to understand other peoples point of view, I'm not a professional, want to get into 3D printing as a hobby. It's not a cheap investment. I could have went with a cheap Chinese clone but did a lot of research and Prusa had several selling points, better and safer quality, upgradability. Those were two selling points that helped me justify the cost of the printer. So I ordered an MK2S on in April 2017. It arrived (5 months later) yesterday evening. I opened it this morning and started assembling the Y carriage. Found the images in the book a little small so I went to the Pursa website to check the online manual and there is an MK3. So I waited 5 months, haven't even fully assembled the printer, it's $100 cheaper then what I paid for it, and I can't even upgrade to it to an MK3. Based on that, I'd say odds are pretty good you'd be full of .... if you said you didn't feel a little more than upset.

Here's the reality.

You want 3 months heads up?

It's currently late September. September + 3 = December.

*Earliest* people will be seeing the MK3 is November. So realistically, December, and probably even later than that.

So a 3 months heads up? You just got it.

You're complaining about semantics with this heads-up business.

Make your decisions for the right reason. If those decisions yield an actual functioning printer... you should be way too busy printing stuff to be consumer-whoring it up online.

I'll also let you in on another nugget... So far, most of these "hobby grade" printers, including ones from Prusa, are disposable pleasures with maybe a 2-year half-life. EXPECT IT.

As it turns out, the timing of the MK3 looks like it will nearly exactly coincide with 2 years from when I got my MK2. I really would have no problems just chucking my MK2 for an MK3.

Posted : 24/09/2017 8:24 pm
Trusted Member
Re: MK3 coming!

I just wish Prusa didn't charge my credit card at order time instead of shipping time like most companies do. Paying $1000+ for something that may ship in November at best is tough to swallow.

This is basically what got them in trouble with Paypal, and I agree, its not correct. Especially when you consider in many cases, you cant dispute a credit card purchase after 60 days. If they send you a lemon in November or December, there is precious little you can do.

Back when Prusa was a small start up, I could more or less understand, but they are a major player now, and shouldnt need our money to finance their product development anymore, and shouldnt keep us hostage.

Posted : 24/09/2017 8:45 pm
Estimable Member
Re: MK3 coming!

Here's the reality.
You want 3 months heads up?
It's currently late September. September + 3 = December.
*Earliest* people will be seeing the MK3 is November. So realistically, December, and probably even later than that.
So a 3 months heads up? You just got it.
You're complaining about semantics with this heads-up business.
Make your decisions for the right reason. If those decisions yield an actual functioning printer... you should be way too busy printing stuff to be consumer-whoring it up online.
I'll also let you in on another nugget... So far, most of these "hobby grade" printers, including ones from Prusa, are disposable pleasures with maybe a 2-year half-life. EXPECT IT.
As it turns out, the timing of the MK3 looks like it will nearly exactly coincide with 2 years from when I got my MK2. I really would have no problems just chucking my MK2 for an MK3.

There is a lot of ways to improve the processes. Prusa is a growing youngster, they are still learning. Companies take things like this into consideration when releasing new launches to avoid alienating customers. One solution is to avoid 5 months orders, freeze orders prior to new launches...Lots of possibilities, something they have to figure out themselves that fits their business model. I wouldn't be pissed if I was using the printer 5 months. If you read my message, you will see that I ordered the printer in April and I received it a day before they announced the MK3. How is someone not supposed to be upset about that. Being a Fanboy is ok, defending a company because of it to no end with baseless or absurd justifications doesn't help a company take criticism and improve their processes so they can better themselves.

Posted : 24/09/2017 9:32 pm
Trusted Member
Re: MK3 coming!

as i understand max temp on the extruder is not changed .
same for max bed temp, right ?
if so , i'm not excited .

Posted : 24/09/2017 9:39 pm
New Member
Re: MK3 coming!

Have to say I am a little disappointed at the partial upgrade path. The history of the i3 ->mk 2 -> mk2s was a factor in what had me paying more for the Mk2s I recently got over the CR-10.

That said... the extrusion looks like you would need a new frame, or at least to modify/drill tap holes for the extrusion. The Einsy and tinamic at 24v means a new power supply and I think steppers, so all new electronics. So yeah... the 2.5 upgrade has all the 'low hanging fruit' for an upgrade. Seems like all that might really remain untouched are some of the axis mounts and the hot end. 2.5 gets filament detection but without the new drivers I am assuming the skip layer stuff is out. What about power loss? If it doesn't take new steppers to take advantage of the new drivers I am curious to see what an Einsy with the new power supply would run in addition to the 2.5 kit. 350-500 all in between the upgrade kit and those components would still be less than a whole new kit for those that have already got the threaded rod monstrosity in true... or close enough for the auto calibrate magic to work.

In the end, I can't say this makes me regret going with Prusa over the CR-10. Even without the upgrade history the mesh leveling and PCB\PEI print bed probably still would have had me on the Mk2s... I wanted the extra build volume but didn't have any definite projects that required it. Removable magnetic spring steel bed with mesh leveling? Yes please. The clone wars have not caught up to the current Mk2 bed/mesh leveling and this is taking it even further.

And I know it is tough to accept it now due to the history of affordable complete upgradability... but a partial option still beats the pants off no option at all. Granted, I would like to see an extended/plus option on the Mk3 that makes use of that added rigidity of extrusion to push the build volume out to >= 300 in X/Y and >= 400 in Z or further similar to what the CR10 has pulled off so well. Perhaps that is the future for the Mk3s in.... 12 months? My suspicion on why they didn't go here now was price point... probably another 50 bucks on the longer extrusion, rails and lead screws... not to mention a bigger central frame. Even if at economy of scale they could have cut that it would greatly increase supply chain headaches that would further complicate their already rough history on meeting demand in a timely manner.

Very glad I didn't go ahead and order a Mk2s MM upgrade. Been waiting for it to get a bit more out in the wild and to catch up in shipping. Now thinking my next printer is a Mk3(x)Extended build volume with MM Mk2.

Posted : 24/09/2017 11:12 pm
Jason Tibbitts
Active Member
Re: MK3 coming!

So literally the day after I finally receive my Mk2S (ordered in April), this gets announced. And to make it worse, I ordered an assembled Mk2S and they sent me a kit instead. Agonized for a few hours over whether to do the build or send it back, chatted with Prusa support (who of course mentioned nothing)., and finally decided to go ahead and unpack the kit to see what's inside, then left for the day. Haven't even put any of it together yet.

Oh, well, someone has to be in this situation; might as well be me.

Posted : 25/09/2017 1:59 am
Honorable Member
Re: MK3 coming!

Wow great spec and kit. I will not be imbibing this time. My Prusa I3 MK2 and upgrade from the MK1 still gives me brilliant prints. In fact I ordered the MK2S upgrade kit and have not applied it yet. I still get brilliant prints. So no this time. I hope it sells well and congrats to Prusa Research.

However a lot of spin with the MK3 I feel. Time will tell 🙂

Life is keeping interested and excited by knowledge and new things.

Posted : 25/09/2017 4:39 am
Honorable Member
Re: MK3 coming!

@Jason You are due a refund. Do not let Prusa Research get away with this. You are due a Prusa I3 MK3, in my opinion. I was caught in the MK1 to MK2 upgrade a few years ago. I was not happy. I was offered a price for an upgrade. But this is not possible with the MK2S to MK3 this time.

Hold out for a full refund and new printer. Especially as you ordered pre-assembled and not the kit, you must have paid more for the assembled printer MK2S printer.

Life is keeping interested and excited by knowledge and new things.

Posted : 25/09/2017 4:43 am
New Member
Re: MK3 coming!

Whats up with the reported vouchers for current buyers? There is talk about Prusa sending out an email to customers that bought a mk2s in the last few weeks offering a $100 credit to compensate for the lower price they are selling current printers for now. The way I see it is we have a credit of $99 to use against the $99 charge to upgrade to the mk2.5 kit? Any takes on this?

Posted : 25/09/2017 6:31 am
Reputable Member
Re: MK3 coming!

I believe the vouchers are for individual owners. I think the upgrades will show up on the shop as MK2 upgrade at full price only (no questions asked). The vouchers/discount on the other hand will go to registered orders through Prusa Research online shop who have an MK2S, they will get $50 USD discount on upgrade like myself, I missed the cut off by 5 days. MK2S owners who ordered (thus paid for) within 30 days of announcement of MK3 will get the $100 voucher/discount. Since I haven't seen an email from them, I hope I wasn't lost in the shuffle. What I hope then is the delay may be Prusa having learned it's lesson and is staggering upgrade roll-outs based on demand and availability of units to ensure parts availability for MK3 delivery.

MK2S kit owner since 8/15/2017

Posted : 25/09/2017 7:33 am
Antient Member Moderator
Re: MK3 coming!

I'll also let you in on another nugget... So far, most of these "hobby grade" printers, including ones from Prusa, are disposable pleasures with maybe a 2-year half-life. EXPECT IT.

As it turns out, the timing of the MK3 looks like it will nearly exactly coincide with 2 years from when I got my MK2. I really would have no problems just chucking my MK2 for an MK3.

+1 on this.

I have a Mk1 -> Mk2S printer which is working well and a Mk2 which is basically worn out. Both have MMU. I will give the Mk2 another couple of months then remove the MMU and pass it on to someone who will appreciate it, get a Mk3 and install the MMU on that.

But, I have no rush to get the Mk3; it's not the upgrade I was hoping for.


Please note: I do not have any affiliation with Prusa Research. Any advices given are offered in good faith. It is your responsibility to ensure that by following my advice you do not suffer or cause injury, damage…

Posted : 25/09/2017 10:22 am
Honorable Member
Re: MK3 coming!

I was gutted to read this.. My MK2S arrived on the 22nd, and I havn't even opened the box yet.

I am seriously considering returning it under their 14 day refund policy (even though I will end up out of pocket with shipping fees), and starting again.. But I can't get hold of anyone to start the return process, and believe I have to get it back to them within 14 days.

Does anyone know how tollerant they are to returns, if they aren't responding to me to arrange/agree the refund?

Posted : 25/09/2017 1:58 pm
Member Moderator
Re: MK3 coming!

Great design !

The new heatbed is the winner. But the completely new extrudes it is just as worthy to be noticed. Unfortunatly we cannot upgrade to the new y-axis and RAMBo.

But just an notice : Is the part fan still not PWM-driven ?

Maybe in the near future some custom mods make it possible.


Posted : 25/09/2017 3:03 pm
Honorable Member
Re: MK3 coming!

Prusa have approved my return so I am going to send back my Unused, Unpacked MK2S and pre-order a MK3.

I will end up about £50 out of pocket taking shipping into account, but I guess its worth it..

Does anyone think I am doing the wrong thing?

Posted : 25/09/2017 4:30 pm
Antient Member Moderator
Re: MK3 coming!

Does anyone think I am doing the wrong thing?

Yes, I do think you are missing an opportunity to get printing and learn about these printers. If you start printing now, you could well find yourself ordering a second printer for Christmas delivery.


Please note: I do not have any affiliation with Prusa Research. Any advices given are offered in good faith. It is your responsibility to ensure that by following my advice you do not suffer or cause injury, damage…

Posted : 25/09/2017 4:41 pm
Honorable Member
Re: MK3 coming!

Does anyone think I am doing the wrong thing?

Yes, I do think you are missing an opportunity to get printing and learn about these printers. If you start printing now, you could well find yourself ordering a second printer for Christmas delivery.


Sorry. I should have said.. I am a Printrbot owner/users.. I have spent 3 years using/tweaking/modifying it and know pretty much everything about it and the type of 3D printing that it can do.

The Prusa was my first upgrade in years where I was planning on making the step to the best in class... And it just seems silly for me to have the MK2S, when I can have the MK3, and can continue to use my Printrbot until then (which still serves me well).


Posted : 25/09/2017 4:56 pm
Honorable Member
Re: MK3 coming!

Does anyone think I am doing the wrong thing?

Yes, I do think you are missing an opportunity to get printing and learn about these printers. If you start printing now, you could well find yourself ordering a second printer for Christmas delivery.


Sorry. I should have said.. I am a Printrbot owner/users.. I have spent 3 years using/tweaking/modifying it and know pretty much everything about it its limitations and the type of 3D printing that it can do. And it pretty much does everything I currently need.

But I have been thinking of upgrading for a long time and the Prusa was my first upgrade in years where I was planning on making the step to the best in class... And it just seems silly for me to have the MK2S, when I can have the MK3, and can continue to use my Printrbot until then (which still serves me well).


Posted : 25/09/2017 5:34 pm
Jason Tibbitts
Active Member
Re: MK3 coming!

To be honest, the printer I got is the printer I ordered back in April. Besides getting a kit instead of an assembled machine I don't have much cause to complain. Though while trying to make my decision about keeping the kit or sending it back and waiting for an assembled unit, it might have been nice if the support folks with whom I was chatting had mentioned that, oh yeah, you also have the option of sending it back along with some extra money and get for the new one which we'll announce in about twelve hours.

I do kind of need the printer soonish (as I'm with a university mathematics department which is experimenting with integrating the printer into the curriculium). I will probably just order a Mk3 kit anyway at some point, anyway as one printer probably isn't going to be sufficient if this gets going. But I'll also use the $200 refund I'm due (because they shipped the kit instead of the assembled unit) to get a Monoprice mini I can throw around.

I will say that it would be nice if the discount on the Mk2.5 upgrade was given depending on when you received your printer, not when you ordered it. But even then, I did order a Mk2s and that's what I expected to get, so outside of receiving a kit versus an assembled machine I can't really complain.

Posted : 25/09/2017 6:25 pm
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