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Mk2 build and first prints  

Active Member
Mk2 build and first prints

This week on tuesday our Prusa I3 MK2 kit arrived, so in the evening hours me and my wife started building.
Since we're both new to 3D printing and this is our first 3D printer it's all new to us, which is both exciting and challenging at the same time.

For those who care to see some pics of the build process:

When the build was finally complete it was time to try out some prints, as seen in the last photo album. First the calibration process of course, we ran the XYZ Calibration routine quite a few times until the result was something that we deemed acceptable to start with. (this also meant turning the printer on its side and tweaking the bolts of the axis to get the skew as minimal as we could, followed by another calibration). Next the V2 calibration and figuring out what would be an acceptable z-level adjust. Ended up at around -1.2mm, so decided to move the probe up a bit, after which the thing wouldn't come through the XYZ calibration routine anymore (error message "XYZ calibration failed. Please consult the manual", utterly useless). So in the end I reverted the PINDA probe's height back to (close at least) it's original location with the ~1.2mm Z-adjust. (today I actually gave it another shot and successfully was able to move the pinda probe up a bit, so now adjustment is less than 1mm)

For our first print we started with 3D Hub's Marvin in silver PLA as provided on the SD card (100um). It went all right for quite a while up until a bit above the eyes, after which it came loose from the bed 🙁
Retrying after cleaning the bed even more didn't help, it wouldn't stick at all anymore from the start. Decided to try with glue, which helped and we ended up with our first successful print 🙂

After that we decided to give the copper ABS a shot, which provided a lot more difficult to get to grip. First at the default 255/100 setting, later at 230/100 and slowed down quite a bit we eventually managed to get a print after another PINDA probe adjustment and z-level correction.
Finished print can be found here:
The top part is especially shoddy, from what I gather it's due to speed too high with too little time to cool between layers.
So next attempt was made with 2 marvins in a single print, although for fun I decided to make one 125% the size of the other.
Print went fine until the smaller one was -almost- complete, after which it seemed to get stuck behind something (nozzle maybe hooked on a piece that stuck out, not sure) and came loose from the bed :/ <-- first one was almost done on that image, it went wrong shortly after.

So still a lot to tweak / learn for us here, but we had fun this week so far 🙂

Bugs I ran into:
* Statistics somehow shows 42km after today, which is impressive considering we only printed for a total of about 6 hours 😉 ( )
* Glitchy screens when turning the knob / browsing the menu, seems to happen mostly when trying to scroll beyond the first entry ( - note the quotes / artifacts next to the words)
* Scroll speed on long filenames is -very- fast sometimes, and inconsistent. I was trying to figure out which of the 3 files to use that ended the same but had some other words halfway, but couldn't. Somehow the shorter filenames seemed to scroll more slowly.

Things that were annyoing during the build that you guys can maybe improve upon:
* Some slots for the m3 square nuts were simply too small, maybe misprinted from the factory? ( for example - we had to dig one of those slots open with a knife/cutter/stuff before it could go in)
* Same problem when fitting other m3 nuts in some other places like and - some needed excessive force to get in
* The LCD holder was quite hard to get attached to the threaded rods. In the end I managed, but the rods almost cut open my skin :/

Anyway, tips/suggestions for better ABS prints are welcome, just wanted to report on our build and experience with the printer so far.
We're very happy with it 🙂

PJR EDIT: Topic moved to English forum.

Opublikowany : 25/09/2016 11:53 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Mk2 build and first prints

Looks like you're doing well! Those first prints are so exciting to watch!
It looks like the z must be adjusted slightly lower (Z adjust (?) under the Tune menu).

(Picture doesn't seem to come through for some reason..)
The separate lines should be touching each other. If the first layer isn't properly squished on to the bed, the adhesion is likely to suffer.

Opublikowany : 26/09/2016 2:19 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Mk2 build and first prints

Hi VortyZA,

Exciting indeed! 🙂
The image does open if you right click -> open image in new tab, don't ask me why though.
On that specific image it's the brim of one of the first prints, Z-adjust was indeed lowered shortly after this attempt because as you said it wouldn't stick :-p

Anyway, tips like these are very welcome, so thank you! 🙂

Opublikowany : 26/09/2016 8:52 pm