Max Temperature with Stock E3D V6 Hotend
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Max Temperature with Stock E3D V6 Hotend  

Active Member
Max Temperature with Stock E3D V6 Hotend

Hey there,

so I was trying to find actual information about the maximum temperatures the Prusa MK2S stock hotend would work with. Since I never found a real anwer but instead any available amount of smattering about the temperatures I decided to ask E3D directly.

I e-mailed them since the E3D V6 All-Metal Hotend was out of stock and I wanted to order one:

<... snip ...>
I may be mistaken, but according to the specs of the Prusa i3 MK2s it ships with a E3D V6 Lite hotend. At least mine has a PTFE liner which - again I may be mistaken - shouldn't be present in the V6 All-Metal at all.

Currently I am looking for a solution which allows me to surpass the limit of 255°C for the PTFE liner in order to print around 270°C and therefore does not contain any PTFE tubing at all.
I am unsure if the E3D product code "V6-175" would be the right solution to this.
<... snip ...>

E3D answered:

Hi Markus,

The I3 MK2S ships with a V6 hotend and there is a PTFE within the V6, but it doesn't go into the hot-side of the heat break, so it is not a temperature limitation. You can find this information below on the I3 MK2S product page.

The V6 can reach temperatures of up to 300C with the standard configuration, but if you're continually printing at this temperature, then you're better of upgrading the block and temperature sensor.
<... snip ...>

So, as it seems we shouldn't worry about printing higher temperatures at all.

A penny for your thoughts?


Opublikowany : 13/02/2018 8:37 pm