Massive stringing between MK2s and MK2 - Any suggestions?
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Massive stringing between MK2s and MK2 - Any suggestions?  

Active Member
Massive stringing between MK2s and MK2 - Any suggestions?

I have an MK2s [printer A] (started as MK2s kit) and an MK2(s) [printer B] (that started as MK2 kit and upgraded to mk2s).
I want to use the same gcode for both printers but right now there is a serious stringing issue with printer A. I originally tuned the gcode for printer B but in theory both should print with the same quality/issues. The real problem is that they are printing differently, could anyone offer any suggestions as to what I should look at or replace?

Here are example prints that use the exact same gcode and the same filament. The only difference is that one printed after the other since I shared the same filament. I've tried other filaments as well and had the exact same issue. I've also tried other gcodes (again tuned for printer B) and have exactly the same stringing results.

I've even tried updating a gcode for printer A to have a massive retraction, stringing still wasn't resolved.

Printer A

Printer B

The only thing I can think of doing is replacing the printer A hotend? Perhaps it has issues staying too hot or something? I was monitoring the temps between the two and the only difference I could see is that printer A's hotend temp was reached sooner than printer B. I just replaced it's nozzle cooling fan, perhaps it's not blowing enough air?

Napsal : 28/12/2017 10:27 pm
Honorable Member
Re: Massive stringing between MK2s and MK2 - Any suggestions?

Try tuning the temperature of printer A during printing. Gradually reduce temp, if you get rid of the stringing with a few degC less, then maybe the temp sensor is inaccurate on printer A.

You could double check if you get the stringing by increasing temp on printer B.

Or maybe the nozzle is worn? In that case, swapping the nozzle instead of the entire hot-end might help.

Napsal : 29/12/2017 12:02 am
Veteran Member Moderator
Re: Massive stringing between MK2s and MK2 - Any suggestions?

they may be different size nozzles... consider checking the nozzle size markings.

could the nozzle be worn out? --- too large maybe.
simply swap the nozzles between the printers, see if the problem moves with the nozzle (dont forget to check Live Z after changing nozzles.

could the temperature of the nozzle be mis reported? and actually too hot? try the same G code but turn the extruder temperature down by 5 or 10 degrees while printing (using the tune option, after the first layer completes. )and see if it makes an improvement! oh... Mr mik suggested that...

good luck,


I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Napsal : 29/12/2017 12:42 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Massive stringing between MK2s and MK2 - Any suggestions?

I’ll try and reduce the temp using the tube method (didn’t realize I could do that!)

Thanks for the suggestions. Right now I’m more worried about getting any good print, then I can focus on getting them to print the same Gcode.

Napsal : 30/12/2017 2:49 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Massive stringing between MK2s and MK2 - Any suggestions?

Just wanted to follow up. You were all right, the nozzle was causing the issue.
i'm not sure if the nozzle was bad, but it was different than the one on the other printer (stock). I believe it was a hardened one (or very bad) since it was all black.

I purchased a new .4mm nozzle and it almost instantly was fixed and printing the same as the second printer.

Thanks all!

Napsal : 15/01/2018 4:16 am