Love my i3 but having a small issue with detachment in one area of the print bed
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Love my i3 but having a small issue with detachment in one area of the print bed  

Active Member
Love my i3 but having a small issue with detachment in one area of the print bed


I recently got my printer and I love it to bits! I have been waiting to get some of my own designs into my hands and the quality the i3 puts out is just amazing.

I am having one small issue always in the same spot though, effectively at the "12 o clock" position of some prints, just above the top bolt that holds the bed to the y carriage / belt housing. It happens sometime during the first 2-5 layers. As far as I can tell the nozzle is catching the filament and pulling it up. However it does not happen anywhere else on the bed.

I have experimented with PINDA height and running calibrations but it seems the issue is difficult to shake. Any thoughts on what might be affecting it?

If you need some shots or visual aids let me know and I will post some! Right, I am off to do more printing! :mrgreen:

EDIT: Aha looks like I was wrong about that one area, it seems to be happening all over and is with particularly fine printing such as supports. As I watch the nozzle, its as though the filament "rucks up" as the nozzle passes back over it.

Posted : 20/07/2017 6:37 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Love my i3 but having a small issue with detachment in one area of the print bed

Here is a picture of it in the flesh 🙂

Posted : 20/07/2017 7:25 pm
Active Member
Re: Love my i3 but having a small issue with detachment in one area of the print bed

I haven't had that problem with PLA, but I did have that problem in one area using PETG. Wondering if there are comments on what can cause it with one type (PETG) versus another PLA.

Posted : 20/07/2017 8:57 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Love my i3 but having a small issue with detachment in one area of the print bed

Hi ted.g2,

I am just trying an experiment right now that seems to be helping - I went into 'tune' and have lowered the print speed to 10% for the base layer only, and it seems to be giving the filament more time to stick and a bit less 'energy' in the nozzle to pull it up.

I will run a print and see how we go and report back!

Thanks for replying 🙂

Posted : 20/07/2017 9:00 pm
Member Moderator
Re: Love my i3 but having a small issue with detachment in one area of the print bed

have you seen, read and understood this thread ?

looks like your printer is just "laying" the molten filament down to the pei sheet (first layer), whithout squishing it onto the sheet. that's why you have to lower the speed that much.

dem inscheniör is' nix zu schwör...

Posted : 20/07/2017 9:04 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Love my i3 but having a small issue with detachment in one area of the print bed

Thanks Jeff, I will run the gcode and see how I get on, thank you for the link and for writing the code!

Posted : 20/07/2017 9:11 pm