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Issue with Extruder  

Issue with Extruder


i like my Prusa i3 MK2 very much and it worked very well. I run many prints over the last months andy ervything ist just fine but now i am getting bad results... I cant finish a print, because there are errors in the layers. Sometimes i can print the first 10 layers well and then one layer is pronted bad, so that the next one will not stick to it. But most of the time the first layer will get very bad, so nothing will stick to it and i get a bundle of plastic.

It seems, that the extruder motor is missing steps, or does not grap the filament. But i already cleaned the nozzle, the Extruder Gear and adjusted the Pressure form the filament holder. nothing helps. it looks like there is to fex filament press trough the extruder - but i did not changed anything soft- or hardware wise.

i attached a picture. Hope you can help me with this!

Thanke you

Veröffentlicht : 27/11/2016 6:00 pm
Themenstarter answered:
Re: Issue with Extruder

I was not able to edit or delete the topic, so could someone please delete it ot tell me, how to do it?

Thank you!

Veröffentlicht : 05/12/2016 3:24 pm
Honorable Member
Re: Issue with Extruder

What was the last three filaments (type and vendor) you used and in what sequence?

Veröffentlicht : 05/12/2016 9:17 pm
Themenstarter answered:
Re: Issue with Extruder

i only printed pla, first the one from prusa shop, than from nunus.

I already found a solution. not realy a solution but a reason, why the prints were failing. The Temp-Sensor is wrong - see another topic from me. so hotend is to coold and filament could not melt properly..

Veröffentlicht : 06/12/2016 2:29 pm
Active Member
Re: Issue with Extruder

Hi, I've encountered this problem too. Please can you let me know what you did to resolve this?

Veröffentlicht : 08/01/2017 7:27 pm