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Imperfect Print Quality  

Active Member
Imperfect Print Quality

Hello Prusa forums. I need some help regarding the print quality of my Prusa I3 MK2 kit. I am having what looks like a layer shift issue. The layer shifting is very slight though, and seems to correct itself. I have done the calibration process correctly and I have passed all the tests. I attempted to tighten my belts and this did not solve the issue. It sucks to see people with this machine getting results worth $800, when I am getting results worth a cheap chinese knockoff for $200. Please help me out here. I have put some pictures below for reference. Cheers.

Napsal : 02/02/2017 7:29 pm
Member Moderator
Re: Imperfect Print Quality

Hi Caleb,

could you check that both belt pulley (X axis and Y axis) are well tightened on their steppers ??

I'm like Jon Snow, I know nothing.

Napsal : 02/02/2017 8:44 pm
Member Moderator
Re: Imperfect Print Quality

❗ yeah, and you've got severe layer shifts in y-direction ❗
(assuming that you've printed the 3d-benchy in it's default orientation: looking into the right direction)

if everything is assembled correct, this should not happen.

there must be something loose, check the zip-ties at your y-carriage bearings and make sure the carriage runs smoothly over the rods (without a skew when changing movement direction).
furthermore, as christophe already mentioned: check the y-motor pulleye !

dem inscheniör is' nix zu schwör...

Napsal : 02/02/2017 9:57 pm
New Member
Re: Imperfect Print Quality

I had a similar issue and was very confused... I checked and rechecked all connections and moving parts. In my case, there was a rhythm to the irregularities. It turned out that the filament spool was binding and putting pressure on the print head movement. A piece of PVC pipe on the spool holder has solved that problem. Wondering if "binding" of the spool could be contributing to your issues.

Napsal : 04/02/2017 3:22 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Imperfect Print Quality

Sorry for the delay, I got busy. I tightened my belts and slowed the prints down to 80%. It helped, but the layer shifting is still there. I did notice however I can rock the bed left and right. This seems like a sign of loose zipties but upon inspection it didn't look like it.. I went ahead and printed these ( ). I will see if that helps. If not, I am simply not sure what the issue could be.

Napsal : 08/02/2017 2:40 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Imperfect Print Quality

The layer shifting has again improved further, but it is still there. I printed the frog and the only major layer shift was near the eyes, which is strange. Ill send a picture when I get home. Until then, I have checked the belts and replaced the zip ties so those are not the issue. Someone mentioned earlier the spool holder was the cause of their problem, so I might try printing out a better one next. Tips would be appreciated.

Napsal : 08/02/2017 7:20 pm
Member Moderator
Re: Imperfect Print Quality

Like this one ?

(And I don't say it because I designed it 😉 )

I'm like Jon Snow, I know nothing.

Napsal : 08/02/2017 7:50 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Imperfect Print Quality

I was actually eye balling this one ( ). I do like how that one has a filament guide though.

Napsal : 08/02/2017 10:01 pm
Member Moderator
Re: Imperfect Print Quality

@christophe: with your kind of design, on top of the prusa, i'm always afraid that if some filament gets tangled and the extruder pulls severely the whole spool will come down and hit the print bed.
😕 😯 😡 😕

dem inscheniör is' nix zu schwör...

Napsal : 08/02/2017 11:27 pm
Member Moderator
Re: Imperfect Print Quality

Hi Jeff,

actually the centered filament guide is just designed to avoid that.

The only issue that could make it tangle is if the filament is not well rolled on the spool, with the filament tip inserted below another loop, and finish to make a kind of knot.
I had it once and the print was ruined due to lack of filament, but what happened was just the filament being engraved by the extruder pulley, and the spool didn't move an inch.

I'm like Jon Snow, I know nothing.

Napsal : 09/02/2017 10:35 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Imperfect Print Quality

Alright, here is how the frog came out after adjustments.

Still bad quality. To summarize what I have done:
-Tightened belts
-Replaced zip ties with printed clips

I realized that I did not re run calibration after these changes, and then I was given this.

This makes no sense, I passed with very slight skew before.

Edit: Not sure why images won't show, so here is the gallery

Napsal : 10/02/2017 8:49 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Imperfect Print Quality

No ideas?

Napsal : 12/02/2017 11:54 pm
Member Moderator
Re: Imperfect Print Quality

No ideas?
❓ which kind of filament did you use ? if you use overextruded woodfill or bamboofill the quality might be acceptable somehow, but for pla, abs+ or petg it looks awkward.

dem inscheniör is' nix zu schwör...

Napsal : 13/02/2017 9:05 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Imperfect Print Quality

I have printed only in PLA so far. I noticed that one of my printed clips has cracked today, which may be the cause of issues, but the bearing is still being kept in place. I am still very confused as to why my bed is suddenly "severely skewed" when it was slightly skewed before. The only things I have messed with are the belt tightness and the zip ties that hold the bed to the frame. I have made no frame adjustments what so ever. My first layers are also horrible now. I wish I didn't re run the xyz calibration as I cannot print out a new clip now.

Napsal : 15/02/2017 7:16 pm