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How can I improve this print?  

Active Member
How can I improve this print?

The left side of the print does not look as clean as it should be. And the right side of the print is wavy.

added photos below. Thanks!

Napsal : 13/12/2017 4:33 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: How can I improve this print?


Napsal : 13/12/2017 4:52 am
Estimable Member
Re: How can I improve this print?

Could be underextrusion at the layer change.
At least looks to me kind of.
Considering the whole look of your print somewhat tightening the belts would be no harm, either.
If you are with S3D you maybe would want to try my profile which you can find attached.

Napsal : 13/12/2017 11:30 am