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High power vs silent mode  

Eminent Member
High power vs silent mode

Which mode do you guys print in? I noticed on mine silent was on by default, and the manual mentions the modes briefly but I don't quite understand what the pros and cons of each mode are.

Postato : 17/08/2016 3:39 pm
David T.
Noble Member
Re: High power vs silent mode

The difference is in electrical power given to X/Y motors.
More power gives you the option of faster and more precise printing (the printer can cope with high inertia forces). You pay by higher noise.
I print in silent mode, because ... it's silent. 😉

Postato : 17/08/2016 3:45 pm
Reputable Member
Re: High power vs silent mode

I prefer high power and at night put it into silent mode.

Postato : 17/08/2016 8:23 pm
Honorable Member
Re: High power vs silent mode

Printing in high power mode, makes the Prusa I3 Mk2 my noisiest printer. Too loud to run over night. Better quality prints, try and decide.

Life is keeping interested and excited by knowledge and new things.

Postato : 18/08/2016 4:04 am