Heated bed MOSFET; what parts to replace?
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Heated bed MOSFET; what parts to replace?  

Active Member
Heated bed MOSFET; what parts to replace?


Found the culprit in the intermittent power to the heated bed. It was the heated bed MOSFET connector, but I am unsure if I have to replace just the removable part or the part attached to the board. I am pretty much an electronics novice and have learned everything I know about our 3D printing machines through lots of trail and error. I've attached a picture of the clearly melted component and I'm wondering if I just need to replace the part that comes off the board or the part that's attached as well. Hope that's an easy question!!


Posted : 29/11/2017 12:27 am
Eminent Member
Re: Heated bed MOSFET; what parts to replace?

Usually the heat damages/oxidizes the connector surface so if you do not replace both, then in a short time it will fail again.

Posted : 29/11/2017 12:38 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Heated bed MOSFET; what parts to replace?

Usually the heat damages/oxidizes the connector surface so if you do not replace both, then in a short time it will fail again.

Thank you for that information. Now I guess I need to learn how to solder.... :/

Posted : 04/12/2017 10:03 pm