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Heat Bed Not Heating Properly  

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Heat Bed Not Heating Properly

Okay, so I might have messed up my heat bed. I printed a large object a couple of weeks ago after scuffing the heat bed to make it stick better, and boy did it stick. As a matter of fact it stuck to the bed so well that when I was trying to get it off the bed, part of the PEI sheet pulled up. So now I have a bed with a large chunk of Pei Sheet missing. This chunk is off to the side and won't have a major effect on my printing from the middle to the other side. The problem is that since that incident I can't get the heat bed to heat. It will slowly heat up but it never reaches the proper temperature. I was messing with it this morning and discovered it is still heating around the sides but not in the middle of the plate. So do you think I might have flexed the heat bed while removing the print? (My screws that are supposed to secure the middle didn't fit when I put the bed on so I left them out. I realize that was stupid now) So any help would help me, I would really like to know if I can read the resistance and find out for sure. Thanks.

Publié : 26/12/2016 2:43 am
Antient Member Moderator
Re: Heat Bed Not Heating Properly


The heated bed, when properly working, should measure only about 1 Ohm. Unfortunately, there is some variation in this value, so it may not be possible to check with a DMM.

I think it does rather sound as though you need a replacement. Contact support - use the "live chat" on the shop pages and give them a link to this thread.


Please note: I do not have any affiliation with Prusa Research. Any advices given are offered in good faith. It is your responsibility to ensure that by following my advice you do not suffer or cause injury, damage…

Publié : 26/12/2016 11:43 am
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