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God Damnit Prusa!  

Active Member
God Damnit Prusa!

Just spent roughly two days assembling the kit.

Nozzle hits the bed while calibrating, oh noes.

Pinda probe was a bit too high, ajusted it in 10 seconds.

Problem solved right away. Runs since then with a grand total of "0" print failures.

Incredible quality and reliability. It is my first printer, had no idea how to lay a first layer, just tweaked with the Z layer live adjuster.

Sticks like fu** hell on the bed, prints are super smooth on the touch, edges are razor sharp even for ultra small parts (pictures)

Jesus prusa. The reviews are well deserved. 😀 😀

Opublikowany : 19/03/2017 6:59 pm
Active Member
Re: God Damnit Prusa!

Your luck ba*****. Mine has gone through 2 rolls of PETG & two hot ends without one successful print in PETG. In a week I've had one successful print using PLA and everything else ended up in the trash!

Opublikowany : 19/03/2017 7:21 pm