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First time printing ABS, advice?  

Moderatore Moderator
First time printing ABS, advice?

Hi, I'm about to print using ABS for the first time, is there anything I should be aware of? I don't have an enclosure and will have to have the windows open to vent the fumes as the printer is in the living room!! 😆 So I assume that may cause some issues?

Postato : 21/07/2016 11:59 pm
Honorable Member
Re: First time printing ABS, advice?

I have had great success with ABS and the Prusa I3 Mk2. I keep the room sealed to reduce drafts, ie door closed and no windows open. I print with a nozzle temp of 240 Deg C and bed temp of 90 deg C. Best ABS filament I have found so far and use on my Prusa is made by Hatchbox. After the print finishes I open the window to let out fumes. I am working on a ventilation fan system. The room where I have my 3D printing workshop, is the smallest bedroom in our house. Which just about houses my 5 different 3D printers.

I often have 3 or more 3D printers running at the same time in my workshop (converted spare bedroom)

I suggest printing ABS in the lounge/living room would not be condusive to family harmony or health. My wife complained before, so I moved to the smallest volume room in our house.

Life is keeping interested and excited by knowledge and new things.

Postato : 22/07/2016 1:53 am
Utenti Moderator
Re: First time printing ABS, advice?

In your case, a printing enclosure may help to prevent issue like warping and delamination.
Something like a temporary box, like you already discussed on the improvement sub-forum seems a good idea.

Be sure the ventilation is off in your slicer settings, but if you user Slic3r let the auto-cooling activated so that short layer are slowed dowan to let time to the layer to go below glass transition.

Otherwise, adding brim help to prevent warping as well.

I'm like Jon Snow, I know nothing.

Postato : 22/07/2016 2:12 am
Honorable Member
Re: First time printing ABS, advice?

@Christophe An enclosure will not get rid of fumes, unless ducted to the outside. Printing in a large volume area creates problems, even with an enclosure. A small volume printing area in the first place is easier to control. Just my opinion.

Life is keeping interested and excited by knowledge and new things.

Postato : 22/07/2016 2:21 am
David T.
Noble Member
Re: First time printing ABS, advice?

I'm getting better results with lower HE temp (230) and higher bed temp (110) than default profile. Unfortunately, MK2 bed is unable to heat up more than 110 and as J.Prusa described to me, it is by design (on purpose), the glue under PEI film could degrade in temperatures higher than 120. Pity.
Nevertheless, with these settings (230/110) I'm able to print objects almost 150mm long without warping.
But you should in any case avoid ventilation and rapid cooling. It would destroy your print. The more stable environment the better.

Postato : 22/07/2016 8:55 am
Utenti Moderator
Re: First time printing ABS, advice?

@Nigel: Yes I agree but since OP tell that he wants to let the window open to ventile the room, it's the best way to protect the print from temperature variation.

I'm like Jon Snow, I know nothing.

Postato : 22/07/2016 3:49 pm
Eminent Member
Re: First time printing ABS, advice?

For me an important point was to turn of the fan.
So most of the models will be printed fine.

With fan it will warp, collide and cause layer shifts.

Postato : 26/07/2016 9:47 pm