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Firmware 3.0.10 just released!  

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Utenti Moderator
Re: Firmware 3.0.10 just released!

💡 actually there is only one set of parameters for the feedback control loop of the hotend.

dem inscheniör is' nix zu schwör...

Postato : 03/03/2017 10:10 am
Active Member
Re: Firmware 3.0.10 just released!

@JeffJordan Was that in response to my question or another post.

Postato : 04/03/2017 6:41 am
Utenti Moderator
Re: Firmware 3.0.10 just released!

@JeffJordan Was that in response to my question or another post.

yes, of course. you've asked: Will one overwrite the other or are they both saved as individual values in the eeprom

dem inscheniör is' nix zu schwör...

Postato : 04/03/2017 9:32 am
Eminent Member
Re: Firmware 3.0.10 just released!

@JeffJordan Was that in response to my question or another post.

Just to add on to JeffJordan's reply as well. I upgraded the firmware a week back and ran the PID tuning for the hot end on my MK2 at the mentioned 200 degrees. I was getting swings of about four degrees above and below during a print with the original firmware. After the tuning, it's been rock-steady for my prints. And the best part is that it's the same for PETG as PLA temps! I do the same mix of materials as yourself, and just running the PID tuning once at 200 has still kept it perfectly steady at 240 degrees for PETG. I've only noticed a maximum variance of .4 degrees as I watch it through Octoprint, and even that is very infrequently. So it's definitely worth upgrading to!


Postato : 05/03/2017 7:54 pm
Utenti Moderator
Re: Firmware 3.0.10 just released!

Ahhhh !

After installing a blue sock 😉 temperature is very stable. Only one digit is changing 😀


Postato : 06/03/2017 8:38 pm
New Member
Re: Firmware 3.0.10 just released!

The new firmware is great! Love the new M500 feature (which can save your PID tuning settings). For reference, here's the command I used to upgrade it from a Raspberry Pi (Octopi):

avrdude -C /etc/avrdude.conf -v -p atmega2560 -c wiring -P /dev/ttyACM0 -b 115200 -D -U flash:w:1_75mm_MK2-RAMBo13a-E3Dv6full.hex:i

(The example posted previously wasn't working for me--needed those extra "flash:w:" and ":i" parameters)

Also, here's how to tune your PID settings so you get a nice consistent (flat) temperature when printing (seriously, do this! It's worth it!)... Run these commands from the "terminal" tab in Octoprint after upgrading your firmware:

PID Autotune (make sure your hot end is cold before running!):
M303 E0 S200 C8

That will heat up the extruder to 200°C ("S200") 8 times ("C8") and finally report the result like so:

Recv: bias: 57 d: 57 min: 198.42 max: 202.32
Recv: Ku: 37.21 Tu: 20.64
Recv: Classic PID
Recv: Kp: 22.33
Recv: Ki: 2.16
Recv: Kd: 57.62
Recv: PID Autotune finished! Put the last Kp, Ki and Kd constants from above into Configuration.h

Now use those settings to both apply the PID values and save them:

M301 P22.33 I2.16 D57.62

Replace "P", "I", and "D" values with the "Kp", "Ki", and "Kd" values reported from the autotuning function. The "M500" above is the new feature in the 3.0.10 firmware that tells it to save the settings for subsequent prints/boots.

You should now have consistent (flat) temperatures during your prints. No more 3-4° temperature swings!

A few clarifying questions. I followed the procedure listed above and have not seen any better stabilization of hotend temperature. In the M301 statement do I need to change the P, I, & D to Kp, Ki, & Kd or just run the M301 command as listed? Is there any way or command that lets me confirm the values saved by M500 actually saved to eeprom?
Thanks for the help.

Postato : 12/03/2017 3:41 pm
New Member
Re: Firmware 3.0.10 just released!

ok figured it out! M503 lists current settings and no 'K' required in sending the M301 command. Temperature is now very stable.

Postato : 12/03/2017 6:50 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Firmware 3.0.10 just released!

😛 wow, this pid tuning worked pretty well !!!

😕 in the past i used to have a temperature deviation of approximately +/- 3°C... which didn't bother me that much, because my prints weren't visibly degraded by temperature swings.
🙄 in octoprint i always saw a nice oscillation around the temperature set.

now i checked out the new pid tuning inside the 3.0.10 firmware.

after the 8 tuning cycles, i got the following result at the terminal:Recv: bias: 98 d: 98 min: 196.84 max: 203.57
Recv: Ku: 37.08 Tu: 24.58
Recv: Classic PID
Recv: Kp: 22.25
Recv: Ki: 1.81
Recv: Kd: 68.35
Recv: PID Autotune finished! Put the last Kp, Ki and Kd constants from above into Configuration.h
Recv: ok

then i stored the values with: M301 P22.25 I1.81 D68.35

inside the eeprom.

now the nozzle of my mk2 holds the temperature dead straight :mrgreen:.
only during the settling time, i encounter a very tiny swing in (with a deviation below +/- 1°C)... and then: straight line.


❗ that's awesome, i'm pretty impressed ❗
the guys that developed that feature really know how to control a closed loop system.

by the way: does this work for the heated bed as well ?
M303 E-1 S100 C8

I do the PID Autotune.

Now temperature is about +/- 2 degrees. Is this OK ? ❓


seems that it can get better ....

Are you using Octopi with the MK2S?

Is there a configuration file for the MK2S settings available?

To be able to tune the PID, do I need to fully configure Octopi for MK2S or it's enough to configure the port setting for the USB connection?

Postato : 24/07/2017 11:17 am
Utenti Moderator
Re: Firmware 3.0.10 just released!

...Are you using Octopi with the MK2S?

no, got no mk2s and my octopi is actually only set up for video streaming purposes (bore hole camera at the hotend).

...Is there a configuration file for the MK2S settings available?

there's no need for a configuration file. simply connect your Octopi or PC with 115200 baud to your printer.

...To be able to tune the PID, do I need to fully configure Octopi for MK2S or it's enough to configure the port setting for the USB connection?

you only need to establish the USB connection, because you need to use the terminal option. when running octopi, it's a good idea to suppress the temperature messages inside the terminal window.
but it's easier to run pronterface at your pc and connect it to your printer (as long as you have an USB cable, long enough).

dem inscheniör is' nix zu schwör...

Postato : 24/07/2017 11:30 am
Eminent Member
Re: Firmware 3.0.10 just released!

...To be able to tune the PID, do I need to fully configure Octopi for MK2S or it's enough to configure the port setting for the USB connection?

you only need to establish the USB connection, because you need to use the terminal option. when running octopi, it's a good idea to suppress the temperature messages inside the terminal window.
but it's easier to run pronterface at your pc and connect it to your printer (as long as you have an USB cable, long enough).

I've run pronterface and executed the M-commands to tune the PID. After having saved the settings into the EEPROM, I have run the tuning another time, saving again the new settings into the EEPROM.

I haven't checked the temperature values, printing something till now; I'll do it this evening 🙂

But I have preheated the nozzle for PLA (215 degrees) a couple of times and I've seen that at the beginning the temperature oscillates shortly between 219 and 212, but quickly (maybe after 10-15 seconds) stabilizes itself exactly at 215, as expected! 😀

I think this is the way it works and probably it's normal that the temperature oscillates a little before to stabilize, every time that the hotend is heated to a certain temperature.

Postato : 25/07/2017 9:28 am
New Member
Re: Firmware 3.0.10 just released!

Just want to thank everyone in this thread.
I thought a 3-4 degree temperature swing was normal.
After calibration my temps are rock solid and showing a straight line in octoprint.
Everyone should take the time to do this PID calibration.

Postato : 28/11/2017 11:22 pm
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