Extruder/first layer issues after hotend ran into the hotbed
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Extruder/first layer issues after hotend ran into the hotbed  

New Member
Extruder/first layer issues after hotend ran into the hotbed

after doing 3 or 4 prints at factory settings, I decided to test the .05mm setting to see how much better it looked. after 16 hours I woke up and one end of the print of a dungeon tile, looked like a floor that had magma poured onto it. I changed everything back to .15mm and started a fresh print, the hotend ran straight into the hotbed and left a somewhat deep hole in the PEI that looks kinda like someone stabbed it with a pen. after this happened, I started having adhesion issues, so I cleaned the hotbed with 91% IPA and Acetone. this didn't fix things completely so I thought maybe when the hotend ran into the bed, maybe the probe got pushed in a little, so I had a friend come over and help me with readjusting that. Now, the first layer sticks, but it doesn't stick together like it's not putting out enough filament or something. I can get the first layer to fill in completely with 300% on the flow settings, but this also causes too much to be extruded on other layers and the hotend scrapes across them. Is it possible that when the hotend ran into the hotbed at PLA temp settings, the nozzle may have been pinched or rolled inward? I'm a complete noob to 3d printing and I am terrified of tearing up my new printer, so I've literally had this thing for just over a week and have only ran it for 2 1/2 days

Posted : 22/05/2017 3:01 am
New Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Extruder/first layer issues after hotend ran into the hotbed

update, I did almost nothing different and went from printing test cubes that looked like wicker to perfect cubes and the only thing I changed was the width of the skirt by adding one extra layer. not sure how that worked out, but I'm not gonna complain either

Posted : 22/05/2017 5:35 pm