Extra Spare PEI Sheet in the MK2 kit
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Extra Spare PEI Sheet in the MK2 kit  

Eminent Member
Extra Spare PEI Sheet in the MK2 kit

I'm just building my second MK2 and found an extra spare PEI sheet in the kit.
Thank you Prusa for that excellent preventive service!

Postato : 17/08/2016 12:36 pm
Reputable Member
Re: Extra Spare PEI Sheet in the MK2 kit

Certainly the best way to keep everyone happy and for the sake of £7 its a major preventative measure and a good spare to keep in the spare draw. Wish I had a spare just in case but it is really good to see Prusa taking these steps. Good on you Prusa 😉 🙂

Postato : 17/08/2016 1:03 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Extra Spare PEI Sheet in the MK2 kit

Guess I just missed that window 😥

The PEI sheet is working very well for me so far, but I know sooner or later I'm gonna mess it up...hopefully by then they'll be in stock.

Postato : 18/08/2016 12:57 am
Honorable Member
Re: Extra Spare PEI Sheet in the MK2 kit

I missed out on that offer. I bought my own spare sheet, but baulked at the removal of the old sheet and application of a new sheet! My PEI Sheet is damaged in a corner I do not envision printing in, yet. The print head hotend hit the bed and gouged out a trough when calibrating my MK2 upgrade in early days. Looking at the bed, the top right corner.

Life is keeping interested and excited by knowledge and new things.

Postato : 18/08/2016 3:58 am
Reputable Member
Re: Extra Spare PEI Sheet in the MK2 kit

I had the same Nigel so your not alone. 😉

I have been contemplating ordering some but cannot stomach the £17 delivery for a sheet. If you or anyone in the UK ever need to order something else let me know and I will chip in and order a few spare sheets. Maybe get a few of us on the same order to make it worth the price.

Nick. They are only available to previous customers so do not show in stock. You need to go on live chat and they will make it available in the shop for you to buy 😉

Postato : 18/08/2016 8:24 am
Estimable Member
Re: Extra Spare PEI Sheet in the MK2 kit

Certainly the best way to keep everyone happy and for the sake of £7 its a major preventative measure and a good spare to keep in the spare draw.

The best way to keep everyone happy is to fix the bugs.

While the shipping for these is ridiculous, you are holding your own printer hostage over that cost if you gouge your bed in the wrong place.

And again, until the bugs are fixed, you will want more than one anyways.

Postato : 18/08/2016 5:25 pm
Trusted Member
Re: Extra Spare PEI Sheet in the MK2 kit

I got one, too! I didn't realize that was a new thing. To be fair it sounds like they did fix the bugs, but have realized that it's very easy to mess up.

My sheet was packed with the bed, and it got a pretty significant dimple from the mounting point on the bed. I'm hoping if I ever need to use the sheet that it will smooth out.

My PEI did actually end up getting gouged by the nozzle a little because the calibration routine couldn't find the first point (my probe was too high), but it was outside the print area so I'm not too worried about it.

Postato : 18/08/2016 10:18 pm
Reputable Member
Re: Extra Spare PEI Sheet in the MK2 kit

It should come out ok. Reading the guide you need to heat the sheet up a fair bit. If the bed had a dimple the sheet would take on that dimple but if the bed is ok the sheet would go to the bed. In your case the dimple on the sheet should come out and be flat on the bed. 😉

Postato : 21/08/2016 2:18 pm