Error Message After Replacing Print Sheet
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Error Message After Replacing Print Sheet  

New Member
Error Message After Replacing Print Sheet

I replaced the pei sheet after it was damaged. After replacing the print sheet I ran the xyz calibration because nothing was sticking. When I ran the calibration a message, “XYZ calibration comprimised. Front calibration points not reachable.” appeared, what should I do?

Publié : 07/02/2018 9:51 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Error Message After Replacing Print Sheet

Hi, You can check to make sure nothing is stopping the X or Y axis from moving all the way to the end-stops and to there max range of movement
without something stopping or putting them in a bind.

To do this either turn off steppers or turn power off to printer and
slowly move each axis from the end-stop all the way to the other side of the axis range,
If you feel a drag or a hesitation near the end check to see if something is blocking it,
Such as the idler pulley on the Y-axis miss align and putting the belt in a bind.

When I re-did mine I had a issue with one of the bed u-bolts miss aligned from the slot that prevented it from reaching the sensor.

Also I like to reset the "Live-Z" back to Zero(0.000) before running the calibration for safety (just my opinion though).

See my stuff at

Publié : 07/02/2018 11:01 pm
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