Complete disaster - 15 hours later
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Complete disaster - 15 hours later  

New Member
Complete disaster - 15 hours later

So the experience of putting this together was a larger task than i thought. It is all together and failed calibration test probably 40 times. Finally after calibration, I went to do a test run and the filament loader got jammed and the nozzle is now clogged. I cant get inside the nozzle to clean it out, because all of the heat is at the bottom of the nozzle, which isnt enough to melt the PLA near the top of the nozzle (where its clogged). Also, during calibration I checked the Heat table for level (it was perfect) and on on point 8 of 9, the unit decided it wanted to drill right through the heat table. On another note, the nozzle fan just lost power and I have checked the link to the power source 4 times. I have been in possession of the unit for less than 18 hours and It is already not usable. I dont know if i can actually salvage this unit.

Publié : 13/12/2016 7:52 pm
PJ Mullin
Active Member
Re: Complete disaster - 15 hours later

That sounds like a mess. Sorry to hear that.

Could you preheat the nozzle to a high temp and just let it sit. Would the filament that is jammed just ooze out slowly?

Publié : 13/12/2016 8:44 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Complete disaster - 15 hours later

so unfortunately the filament bloated the teflon tube at the top of the nozzle then the filament hardened causing a blockage, no matter the heat, it wouldnt work. because the filament was too far from the actual burner and just too deep to get at it with pliers

Publié : 13/12/2016 9:23 pm
Cambo Rambo
Active Member
Re: Complete disaster - 15 hours later

I had a jam similar to this. First thing is heat up the unit and take off the nozzle and heat block. Slowly twist it off and you can see where the jam is on the front. I let it cool down then basically used a small alley key small enough to push it out the other end. It really sucked but now I know how to fix these type of jams if it occurs again. I basically screwed up and didn't unload a filament correctly while loading another one.

Publié : 13/12/2016 11:08 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Complete disaster - 15 hours later

I had exactly the same thing happen 3 times (fan was faulty and I didn't spot it). It was a pig to clean and I had to replace the gasket as well as the teflon.

Publié : 15/12/2016 7:56 pm
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