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How do I go about complaining? I have tried everything to buy a replacement MK2 heat bed.
Every print leaves a mark where the nozzle decided to take the plunge even after calibration 😮 Apparently technician looked at a piccy and said the PEI would do the job. That will not hide the mark that the nozzle has created 🙁

I went to buy PEI and it was no longer a stocked item. Emailed and then told to go on live chat at a certain day for them to add it in stock. I then go to buy it. £7 for the PEI sheet. Its then plus a whopping £18 for shipping!!! Sorry but that is pure rubbish to me. I am sure a sheet of PEI weights a little more then a bit of paper or is it made of cast iron!

Josef seriously you need to tell the public who are buying these printers, waiting a long time for them too, that there's a chance the nozzle might smash into the heat bed without warning and that the heat beds are not available to buy!

I need to make a complaint so hopefully something can be done. At the moment I am going around in circles with emails and live chat. Otherwise I need a replacement machine or at worst a full refund and return of the machine. 👿

Rant over. Will move to social media if the support forum cannot help so I can hopefully get some sort of advice or help. Ideally looking for support from staff please so the problem can get sorted.

Posted : 31/07/2016 12:27 am
Eminent Member
Re: Complaining?

Ben I am not clear in your complaint. Are you trying to buy a new heat bed or just the PEI sheet?

I have also had my nozzle ram into the bed several times leaving huge dents and scratches, so I have been researching buying replacement PEI sheets.

I found some 8"x8" sheets on Amazon for $12, but it doesn't come with the adhesive, so you have to buy it separate for a couple more bucks or just clamp it down. I know the bed is 8"x10" but the only other size I could find was on ebay and it was 12"x12" for $20. I personally think the 8"x8" would be ok since I typically dont use the whole bed.

8"x8" Sheet


If you are trying to buy a whole new heat bed, then you would need to work that out with PRUSA.

Finally, while I can understand your frustration, I have personally had excellent customer service from PRUSA. I had several problems that I contacted them about, and they always got back to me within a couple of days and have been very helpful with solving the issue. So far all the issues ultimately was my fault, and I was able to get it corrected without any assistance from PRUSA but I feel that if something were to go wrong with any of the parts due to manufacturer defect, that they would quickly send me a replacement part.


Posted : 31/07/2016 11:03 am
David T.
Noble Member
Re: Complaining?

Totally agree with Kaizers.
If the nozzle keep hitting the bed even when calibrating, it is most likely problem of wrong assembly, less likely your autoprobe is faulty. First solve this and don't mind few more dents in PEI. Once this is solved, replace PEI and most likely you won't never need to replace it again.

Posted : 31/07/2016 11:13 am
Vojtěch Bubník
Member Admin
Re: Complaining?


> Every print leaves a mark where the nozzle decided to take the plunge even after calibration 😮
> Apparently technician looked at a piccy and said the PEI would do the job. That will not hide the mark that the nozzle has created 🙁

Would you please post a picture of your bed? How bad is it? Is it a cosmetic issue, or the bed foil is torn to pieces?

I do not quite understand what happened. How did the nozzle damage the PEI foil?

What firmware are you running on your printer? Did you try to upgrade to the latest 3.0.6-RC2? Does it still happen with the 3.0.6-RC2 firmware?

Thanks, Vojtech

Posted : 31/07/2016 2:11 pm
Antient Member Moderator
Re: Complaining?


I think Ben initially had issues with Cura 2.x, while using the default settings.


Please note: I do not have any affiliation with Prusa Research. Any advices given are offered in good faith. It is your responsibility to ensure that by following my advice you do not suffer or cause injury, damage…

Posted : 31/07/2016 7:53 pm
Reputable Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Complaining?

Hi and thanks everyone for your replied it is much appreciated.

Its not a build problem as it calibrated without problems. Maybe a manufacturing problem as they have since released an RC although not official but it stops the nozzle hitting the deck even after calibration so Prusa know its a problem. 😉 P.I.N.D.A problem.

The main thing is although you have had good customer service and I have up until I needed to buy spare parts when it comes to buying parts the opposite will happen!

I need to buy a new heat bed. No ifs or buts. I need and want a new heat bed. Its not made of magical secret diamonds so I cannot understand why I cannot buy a new heat bed from Prusa.

I could easily have a moan and go for a manufacturing problem and claim for a free replacement under warranty but at the present I am more then happy to pay for it. However it seems I cannot pay Prusa for a new heat bed! For those hoping they will be able to get parts for there machines are a little wrong because you will go around in circles from emails to live chat to telling you to email them.

I emailed saying I wanted to buy a new heat bed. They said it might just be the PEI sheet and to send an picture. I sent a picture and explained what happened. They just replied saying I would get away with buying just the PEI sheet. Now thats all well and good but the actual bed is damaged so simply putting the PEI sheet on will still leave me with a dimple so that will transfer to all the prints.
I kind of gave in and went to order the PEI sheet to at least try it but then found them not stocked online that the email linked to. I went on live chat who said you cannot buy it you need to email. I emailed and they said go on live chat.
Went on live chat, same thing, emailed, live chat again and then I can finally buy a sheet. £7 for the sheet and then £18 delivery. Now id pay that for a new heat bed for £18 for a sheet of PEI is just ridiculous. I would not expect anyone else would pay that unless they are completely stupid.

So now what do I do. I cant buy a heat bed, I cant buy a PEI sheet unless I am raped for delivery costs. I cant email as I am told to speak to live chat. I cant live chat because I am told to email. Frustrated is an understatement to be completely honest. I love the machine dearly which is why I want to bring it back up to as it should be but I cannot. I cannot see what the problem with that is. Making do, is not good enough. I want to make it right.
I am sure we would all moan if it was the same for our brand new car! It should be no different. I need to buy a new heat bed to replace my damaged one.

Posted : 31/07/2016 8:23 pm
David T.
Noble Member
Re: Complaining?

They just replied saying I would get away with buying just the PEI sheet. Now thats all well and good but the actual bed is damaged so simply putting the PEI sheet on will still leave me with a dimple so that will transfer to all the prints.
Did your printer really manage to damage the heatbed? Like ... really? The heatbed? That fiberglass board with heating elements on it? I'm really curious - HOW? And ... are you sure it is the heatbed, not only PEI sheet? I can't believe the motors are so strong they are able to damage heatbed.

Posted : 31/07/2016 8:41 pm
Reputable Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Complaining?

How thick is the PEI sheet?

Posted : 31/07/2016 8:52 pm
David T.
Noble Member
Re: Complaining?

How thick is the PEI sheet?
If my caliper works OK then it's 0,35mm

Posted : 31/07/2016 9:13 pm
Reputable Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Complaining?

Ok thanks. Definitely penetrated that and damaged the board below. I do not have any wire so have not from what I can tell gone that far down but even still if PEI is put on top it will sink over time if not straight away giving me dimples on the prints if I just replace the PEI.

I have filled the hole with glue as much as possible to try an minimise dimples on prints but from what I can see it is definitely the heat bed.

It all still works though but really getting annoyed with it.

Posted : 31/07/2016 9:34 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Complaining?

I managed to damage my PEI when trying to calibrate. I think part of the calibration manual should say "Have your finger on the power switch" because I didn't, and the nozzle dug down into the PEI while moving, causing little bumps and ripples.

I realised that the fault was mine for not placing my PINDA probe at the right height as per the manual, then overadjusting too quickly, so I purchased another PEI sheet from the Prusa shop - had to do it through customer support though because it was not in stock for straight purchase.

The sheet was quite damaged, and would leave traces on all prints, but on removal of the sheet I saw that the PC board below was fine.
FWIW the PEI replacement job is rather painful - look after your beds as best as possible to avoid that!

Posted : 04/08/2016 10:59 am
Reputable Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Complaining?

I think I have no choice but to contact my credit card company about this. Tried to buy but going around in circles and still not been able to buy this magical secretive heat bed.
Others with a bent heat bed have had replacements so it is must just be me that is being singled out. I can only send it all back now. I cannot have a printer leaving marks on every print. 😯

Posted : 06/08/2016 3:15 pm
Moderator Moderator
Re: Complaining?

If that's how you feel then I suggest that you do make a claim.

In Prusa's defence I read somewhere that they are getting so many orders for the MK2 both full and upgrade that they don't have many spares available yet. As for the problem itself, I have upgraded my MK1 to a MK2 and am using the 3.0.3 firmware and it is all working perfectly so it can't be a firmware error causing it. If they feel that the defect is something caused by a manufacturing defect they will do their utmost to get a replacement to you as soon as possible, but if they feel it's down to something you did wrong then you will have to wait until they have sufficient spares when I'm sure they would sell you a replacement. This often happens when you buy a brand new to market product.

You should have posted pictures of your build on here so people could help you out and see the damage (including Prusa staff).

Posted : 06/08/2016 4:53 pm
Reputable Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Complaining?

Thanks. I will. 😉

That is not my problem that Prusa are having lots of orders. I am not the only person that has had a problem with the nozzle hitting the deck. I am not particularly saying I want it done under warranty. Completely the opposite.... I am trying to buy one. Thats the problem. I cant. There has been no.... we have no stock. Look at other posts where the heat bed has been uneven. They have had a replacement bed sent straight away so saying there is no stock is a little wrong.

Ideally this is a problem for Prusa to sort unless you have some spare heat bed that you will sell. 😕 I was told to post on the forum, I did, problem is still there. 🙄

Posted : 06/08/2016 5:00 pm
David T.
Noble Member
Re: Complaining?

I still think your bed is not damaged, or at least not that bad. If I were you I would order PEI replacement and removed damaged PEI from the bed. Then I would see if the bed itself is damaged or not. If yes, I would simply pack the damaged bed and send to PR for replacement, spare PEI sheet would be saved for future replacement (you never know).

Posted : 06/08/2016 5:07 pm
Re: Complaining?

Thank you Ben and everyone. We were not aware that you felt so strongly about this. From what we diagnosed, we thought the PEI foil would be enough and during the last chat session you had with us, you were offered 2. Unfortunately you left the chat then discouraged by the shipping price. I completely get that but that is a usual price of shipping unfortunately that we have to pay to UPS to get the package delivered to you. Actually compared to UPS standard prices, 17 GBP is a really nice price, they are usually much more costly, all our discounts were apllied on that price.

We can ship you a new bed with already applied foil on Monday if you feel the PEI foil replacement would not cut it. That is your choice and your right of course. I will contact you via e-mail over the weekend to discuss further details. It is our priority to have you happily printing with no further issues 🙂

Jakub Stranel
Supervisor PRUSA Research
+420 222 263 718
+421 220 570 305
621/8a Prvniho pluku, 18600, Prague

Posted : 06/08/2016 5:10 pm
Reputable Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Complaining?

Hi thank you.

From my first email I wanted a new bed. I know Prusa may think it is just the PEI and I understand I may "get away" with just the PEI but I like to ensure it is as best as it can be. PEI will not be the best solution in my opinion, it will simply mask the damage which is below the PEI sheet. I purchased a Prusa because I felt it was the best and I would like to keep it the best.

I had emailed a picture of one of the bits of damage but there is a worst one in the center of the bed which is much much deeper. It is however full and I keep it full of glue (it helps a little trying to give me half smooth prints) so the picture I were to send would not show much. Maybe I should have sent this too in hindsight.

For £17 postage on a small PEI sheet is not a good price or a usual price no matter if UPS are more expensive usually. It would not hurt to offer a more slower cost effective price for a PEI sheet. I could post something like a PEI sheet any where in the world for less then £6 with tracking, so for £17, its a little bit of a rip off. The actual PEI sheet at £7 is a bargain but the shipping not. I also have not problem paying the £17 for items such a filament, printers a like. I can give another example too of the high shipping prices from Prusa. If I order 10cm of PTFE tubing for a whopping £0.55 I get charged a shipping price of £13.27. I would not call that reasonable so again £17 for postage of something a little heavier then some paper is a lot of money in my book which is why I explained it was too high a price for shipping and left the chat.

I would very much welcome a new heat bed please so I look forward to placing an order. The printer is running perfectly minus the damage to the bed so I would be super happy to get it replaced 😉

Again thank you and I look forward to your email. Have a good weekend. Ben 🙂

Posted : 06/08/2016 7:33 pm
Antient Member Moderator
Re: Complaining?


You appear to acknowledge the problem you have experienced was caused by yourself in this post here:

I am therefore not totally convinced that your threats to Prusa Research are justified, but their response simply shows what a great company they are.

Not even going to bother with your comments about shipping costs; you can always buy elsewhere or maybe even buy some filament at the same time as other things.


Please note: I do not have any affiliation with Prusa Research. Any advices given are offered in good faith. It is your responsibility to ensure that by following my advice you do not suffer or cause injury, damage…

Posted : 06/08/2016 9:05 pm
Trusted Member
Re: Complaining?


You appear to acknowledge the problem you have experienced was caused by yourself in this post here:

I am therefore not totally convinced that your threats to Prusa Research are justified, but their response simply shows what a great company they are.

Not even going to bother with your comments about shipping costs; you can always buy elsewhere or maybe even buy some filament at the same time as other things.


Can I "Like" this post? I too have been extremely impressed with Prusa.

Posted : 07/08/2016 12:52 am
Reputable Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Complaining?

Have I in anyway said I want a heat bed on warranty? Nope, so Peter thanks for all your help! We can now see you cant offer any support on a support forum!

You should not need to comment on the shipping costs. Its not your place to! Why should I buy filament with a £7 PEI sheet? I have plenty of filament. I should not need to buy unnecessary things to get spare parts. Perhaps you are one of these people happy to pay the over priced shipping prices. I am not, I am not you. Nor is everyone else.

I want to buy a heat bed. Read again PETER "BUY" "BUY" "BUY" a heat bed so your comment is completely off topic and somewhat bullying. If I cannot BUY spares from a manufacturer for something I have just purchased I have a pretty useless machine which I do not want to keep! (I would obviously prefer to get the spares and keep the machine as it is good minus the bed 😉 )

I too was extremely impressed with Prusa which is why I purchased a Prusa. I have come to buy spares and I am not very impressed at all. You have obviously not tried to buy spares so cannot comment! If you have been able to get spares then I have simply been singled out and treated unequally for some unknown reason. I am pretty sure its more the fact you will struggle to get spares!

Posted : 07/08/2016 7:55 am
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