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Clogged Nozel  

New Member
Clogged Nozel

I had problems with oozing and ngen filament. I played with the retraction settings and I'm pretty sure that this caused my nozzle to get clogged.
When I tried to unload the filament it broke right at the silicon tube...

I tried the needle approach, but it doesn’t help. It gets quite high I think as high as the heat break..
I can’t do a cold pull since my filament is broken at the top of the silicone tube...
So what are my options?
Shall I remove the nozzle?


Publié : 24/07/2017 1:56 pm
Noble Member
Re: Clogged Nozel

Heat it up and remove the nozzle.

Then push something through to clean the clog, then reassemble.

Any advices given are offered in good faith. It is your responsibility to ensure that by following my advice you do not suffer or cause injury, damage or loss. If you solve your problem, please post the solution…

Publié : 25/07/2017 6:49 am
New Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Clogged Nozel

Sorry for the late answer, I actually ended up disassembling the whole hotend and needed thermal paste to assemble it again...
This took quite some time; What I would suggest and what might could helped in my case would be a setting (menu option ) in the firmware to turn of the hotend fan, by this allowing the heatbreak to get hotter; If there was such an option I would have used this first and then I'm pretty sure that pushing filament on top would have solved this a lot easier...

Publié : 01/08/2017 12:26 pm
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