Calibration nozzle/probe with v2calibration.gcode
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Calibration nozzle/probe with v2calibration.gcode  

Eminent Member
Calibration nozzle/probe with v2calibration.gcode


- I don't find the way to calibrate using V2calibration.gcode.

- I always get the same zig zag pattern whatever the value of Z in the range -0,8 mm to + 0,2 mm ( adjusted during the test with Live adjust Z function) . The result is always a zig zag of 0,2 mm which can be very easily removed from the surface ( cleaned before each test ). The consequence is that using the Prusa gcode 3D model, the pattern doens not stick to the surface and/ or between filaments and they follow the extruder head after ~10 minutes ...

- I noted that the fan speed seems to remain to zero ( but operates properly during the test ). I tried to modify the extruder speed ( settings), the mode of operations, and obviously the Z adjustment but no effect at the end. I tried to play too with the pressure of the pulley on the filament (2 screws with springs ), no results ( by the way how to properly adjust that pressure ? ).
I noted too that if I try to modify the extruder speed it comes back to a different value at the end .
I checked the ( vertical) distances between the Probe and the nozzle : 0,3 to 0,4 mm

Thanks for any idea !

Test conditions :
- Prusa mark i3 mk2 kit / gcodes of the SD card / firmware 3.0.9
- filament PLA (# 212° / 55° )
- all tests OK ( calibration and self tests )

Veröffentlicht : 14/02/2017 5:56 pm
Mitglied Moderator
Re: Calibration nozzle/probe with v2calibration.gcode

💡 look here.

dem inscheniör is' nix zu schwör...

Veröffentlicht : 14/02/2017 6:35 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Calibration nozzle/probe with v2calibration.gcode


If you are saying that the filament does not stick; here are some things to check:

1. ensure the PEI bed is clean - use 90%+ IPA
2. you need to raise the PINDA sensor - verify this by placing a sheet of paper under the nozzle. select autohome in calibration menu. the nozzle should just touch the paper. If there is a gap, you need to move the PINDA higher.


Veröffentlicht : 14/02/2017 6:42 pm
Eminent Member
Themenstarter answered:
Re: Calibration nozzle/probe with v2calibration.gcode

- Madhu,
I just followed your advices and results are encouraging. I have to still improve a bit more the Z adjustment but now the first layer sticks ( even not easy to remove ! ) and looks good. I am using now the IPA 90% which makes a big difference.

- JeffJordan,
I will test your calbration test method to morrow too.

Thanks to both of you . I will tell you about my final results and I will ask more some ( basic) explanations not found in my documentation...

Veröffentlicht : 14/02/2017 8:48 pm
Eminent Member
Themenstarter answered:
Re: Calibration nozzle/probe with v2calibration.gcode


- I have made some tests with the Jeffjordan calibration-surface code for different life Z adjustments, very useful... The main thing is that I found the best adjustment around -330 microns and confirmed it with a test such -320/-325 / -330 /-335 /-340.
The unexplained problem remains the transparency on half of the surface for a few same adjustments... ( see picture )

I would rather make another tests on the whole surface ~200 x 200 mm with various squares of ~30 x 30 mm like a checkerboard to verify the uniformity for a given life Z. I will try with Freecad to make the stl code. I noticed that the working plane is not flat ( ~1 mm less in the corners ) may be compensated by the Z calibration in 9 points ?

Now the next question is : is it possible to improve these adjusments ( independantly of the temperatures settings ) and how to measure any progress ? I am interested by this subject because I intend to manufacture mechanical parts.

- To take off an object from the board I use a stainless steel spatula but I have to hit it with a hammer! Is that procedure correct ? I use now IPA 99% to clean the working plane ?

Veröffentlicht : 15/02/2017 9:00 pm
New Member
Re: Calibration nozzle/probe with v2calibration.gcode

I was also having problems calibrating my Mk2 kit, due to setting the PINDA probe incorrectly. Thanks to Madhu for the autohome tip, which allowed me to zero in the correct position quickly, to JeffJordan for the alternate calibration square, which helped me dial in the z offset, and to Claude for creating this thread where I found the info. After burning several hours making no progress and printing a lot of spaghetti, these resources finally have my printer printing. Thanks!

Veröffentlicht : 13/03/2017 1:44 am