BETA FW 3.0.4 with automatic calibration point alignment
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BETA FW 3.0.4 with automatic calibration point alignment  

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Eminent Member
Re: BETA FW 3.0.4 with automatic calibration point alignment

Josef, previous to this update I had the probe perfectly centered in the circles (after adjusting the placement of the y axis in the z frame). Afterward, my probe is a bit out of the circles on the first row. Should I trust this change?

Also, is it necessary to run the z calibration from the settings menu after you calibrate the bed?

Publié : 04/07/2016 1:43 am
Vojtěch Bubník
Membre Admin
Re: BETA FW 3.0.4 with automatic calibration point alignment


I am responsible for the development of the auto calibration feature.

The auto calibration is a one-shot task. Once calibrated, you don't need to re-run it again if you don't tinker with the machine mechanics.

The auto calibration has its purpose for printers, which were not assembled precisely enough. The P.I.N.D.A sensor has a limited accuracy in the XY plane. The accuracy is sufficient for the auto calibration to bring the sensor inside the target circles, but if you are patient enough, you may outperform the auto calibration accuracy by assembling the printer properly. I estimate the accuracy of the P.I.N.D.A. sensor to be around 0.5mm in the XY plane. You could certainly do better with a lot of patience and a judicious use of a caliper.

I have found a subtle bug in the auto calibration feature of this firmware. The Marlin firmware, which we are extending, switches the XY motors off after a period of inactivity. It happens, that the motors are powered off for a short interval of time in the middle of the calibration, which may make the bed skip if under a tension and which will skew the calibration data. This bug will be fixed in the next release of our firmware.


Publié : 05/07/2016 9:57 am
Antient Member Moderator
Re: BETA FW 3.0.4 with automatic calibration point alignment

Hi Vojtech

For those of us who have been very precise in building the printer that have run the bed calibration which has now taken the probe out of the circles... What is the best option? Trust ourselves or the calibration?

Thanks in advance


P.S. A bug is a little insect that crawls around the floor. I think you may be referring to a fault? 😈

Please note: I do not have any affiliation with Prusa Research. Any advices given are offered in good faith. It is your responsibility to ensure that by following my advice you do not suffer or cause injury, damage…

Publié : 05/07/2016 10:06 am
David T.
Noble Member
Re: BETA FW 3.0.4 with automatic calibration point alignment

Peter, "a bug" is commonly used slang term for error in software code. :ugeek:

Back to your question - simply downgrade to 3.0.3 and trust your assembly precision. 😉

Publié : 05/07/2016 10:10 am
Membre Moderator
Re: BETA FW 3.0.4 with automatic calibration point alignment

Where I work these are called "Unintended Features".

Anyway, I have built my machine with extra care and precision but the probe still isn't exactly in the circle. My issue, as with many others, is that the x-axis endstop is moved out as far as it will go and still isn't out far enough to get the probe in the circle. I am actually believing that the inserts in the bed aren't 100% where they should be causing this issue. I don't worry about it too much since everything is printing quite well and I don't want to fix it just to have something else get out of whack.

Publié : 05/07/2016 6:06 pm
Reputable Member
Re: BETA FW 3.0.4 with automatic calibration point alignment

My issue, as with many others, is that the x-axis endstop is moved out as far as it will go and still isn't out far enough to get the probe in the circle. I am actually believing that the inserts in the bed aren't 100% where they should be causing this issue. I don't worry about it too much since everything is printing quite well and I don't want to fix it just to have something else get out of whack.

Exactly. Today I added 1mm pla rectangle to x-carriage section that hits endstop and probe is perfectly aligned now but doesn't make any difference with print quality. Worked fine before. Not sure it matters.

Publié : 05/07/2016 6:43 pm
Antient Member Moderator
Re: BETA FW 3.0.4 with automatic calibration point alignment

Where I work these are called "Unintended Features".


That is nice, and it is certainly more honest than "bug". Personally I like to call things what they are ant not make some sort of vain attempt to deceive.


Please note: I do not have any affiliation with Prusa Research. Any advices given are offered in good faith. It is your responsibility to ensure that by following my advice you do not suffer or cause injury, damage…

Publié : 05/07/2016 9:50 pm
Honorable Member
Re: BETA FW 3.0.4 with automatic calibration point alignment

I guess I am lucky. My bed is good. I use the beta firmware 3.04. After bed calibration, the PINDA Z probe works on all 9 points before prints. I did need to lower the PINDA sensor 1 mm before I got great results.

The PINDA sensor seems to find and sit well with all 9 test points around the bed, when probing before each print. ie Z calibration. If you look at the top of the PINDA you can see an led flash when calibrating each of the 9 points. The bed is never deflected when probing. My bed is pretty level.

Life is keeping interested and excited by knowledge and new things.

Publié : 06/07/2016 3:30 am
Eminent Member
Re: BETA FW 3.0.4 with automatic calibration point alignment

I tried updating the Firmware to 3.0.4 but it stays at "Updating Firmware! DO NOT DISCONNECT ANY DEVICE!". I am updating using the Firmware Updater from Prusa and I am using OSX. I am waiting since 10 minutes, nothing happens. Any clue what I have done wrong?

Publié : 11/07/2016 6:58 pm
Eminent Member
Re: BETA FW 3.0.4 with automatic calibration point alignment

This is the message I get:

Publié : 11/07/2016 7:03 pm
Eminent Member
Re: BETA FW 3.0.4 with automatic calibration point alignment

Problem solved itself... I tried three times. Last time it worked. Don't know what I have done differently 😆

Publié : 11/07/2016 7:05 pm
Michal Houdek
Re: BETA FW 3.0.4 with automatic calibration point alignment

Hi Everyone,
Points aligned successfully at the first atempt.


Publié : 12/07/2016 1:39 pm
Eminent Member
Re: BETA FW 3.0.4 with automatic calibration point alignment

The new beta aligned my PINDA perfectly. Love it!

Publié : 13/07/2016 2:44 pm
Dimitri Modderman
Active Member
Re: BETA FW 3.0.4 with automatic calibration point alignment

My god this is awesome.
The build went fine, everything fitted, it worked out very nice. Every step was described. And everytime i thought Hey, here the forgot something (like the 3rd motor screw on the extruder ?) and then 3 steps later you see that it's needed to fit the extruder to the carriage..nothing was forgotten.
only then the shifting of the bed. I can move it forward and backwards, but my pinda probe never got into the middle.
Wrote an email, within the hour an answer, with this firmware. Let it go for a few minutes. DONE!

You guys are beyond awesome !

Kind regards,

Publié : 13/07/2016 3:16 pm
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